siodhchan had the good luck to be working in the store he visited.
Sort of.
I rush out of the office and notice "guy in a grey sweatsuit." and sorta "floomph" against the counter fanning myself with a piece of paper and say, "Wow. Ya ever have one of those days
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/I'll be in my bunk...
(Dang, I've been in LA for almost a year and I've only run across one celebrity. And he's kind of a niche celebrity - you had to have known the civil rights movement in order to appreciate the awesomeness of seeing him.)
Skip to the end of the day. I hop into the elevator for the garage and who's in the elevator? "Hey, it's squirrel lady!" she said. I said "Hey, it's..."
And this is where moritification sets in. I'm halfway to saying "Hey, it's the lady who looks like Jane Espenson," when I think 'she's not going to know who Janes Espenson is.' Do you ever do that thing when you're drunk and you start to say one word but finish another? (No? Just me? Okay.) I segue in a way that is not a segue at all but a complete ruinification and yes I know that's not a word into "Hey, it's the lady who looks like she ( ... )
Well, some of it.
Well, $20.
See you in Hell! (Um, in that good way!)
"Tonight, we apres-ski IN HELL!"
You bring the hot-toddy's, and I'll bring the boys?
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