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Transforming Your Self Workshop and New (Old) Articles Transforming Your Self Workshop
Damon Cart will be teaching a weekend workshop (based on my book with the same title) in Santa Cruz, CA May 14-15. Damon is a young trainer who has an unusually good grasp of the core principles of NLP, and who has special interest in, and ability to use, the self-concept methodology I developed. I have been mentoring Damon over the past year or so, and it is a pleasure to recommend his training.
Book Chapter
Adjusting personal boundaries is a ridiculously easy way to adjust our unconscious responses in challenging situations, and it doesn’t require any fancy theory or special skill. It only involves paying attention, and experimenting with changes to find out which ones serve you well. I have just put chapter 13, “
Adjusting Your Protective Boundaries” from Transforming Your Self on my web site, for all to read free.
Older articles
I have also been sorting through some old files, and found several articles that never (yet) found their way onto my web site. Here they are (free):
Neuro-Linguistic Programming: A New Technology for Training 1992
Where is NLP Going? 1999
What Makes a Good NLPer? 1999
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP): Changing Points of View (Much of this article is an excerpt from Using Your Brain-for a change.)
Congruence 1221 Left Hand Canyon Dr., Boulder, CO 80302, USA
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• Learn a method for Personal Growth or Client Work:
Grief Changing Habits Shame Self-Concept Judgement Criticism Relationships Forgiveness (Anger)
PTSD/Trauma Hypnosis (Suggestion)
The most effective hypnosis relies on specific, learnable verbal patterns of influence. These articles will begin to teach you how to use these verbal patterns to direct ones experience toward greater resourcefulness.
• Specific NLP Methods
Aligning Perceptual Positions: A New Distinction in NLPForgiveness (Anger)
GriefPerspective PatternsShameThe Decision Destroyer The Kinesthetic Swish • NLP Modeling
Modeling With NLPModeling ModelingWhispering in the Wind (Book Review)
The Emperor's New Prose • About NLP History & the Field
A Consumer's Guide to Good TrainingA Brief History of TimelinesBriefer than Brief: A Methodical approach to spontaneous changeLooking Backward (at a few of the bends and dips in the road) NLP Practitioners Doing Therapy • Complete List of Articles (Alphabetical)
A Brief History of TimelinesA Consumer's Guide to Good TrainingA Strategy for Responding to CriticismAligning Perceptual Positions: A New Distinction in NLPBecoming Whole AgainBreakthroughs and MeltthroughsBreaking Patterns of Depression: Hypnosis and Building Resources (Video Review)
Briefer than Brief: A Methodical approach to spontaneous changeBuilding a New Quality of Self-conceptCase Studies: How Clients "Do" Their Problems - NLP can help you do the "briefest" therapyCertainty and UncertaintyChanging Beliefs: Transcript of DVDChanging Levels of Meaning and ExperienceCongruenceCreating an Intense Response: The Therapeutic TraumaDeterminism: Prerequisite for a Meaningful FreedomDo You Feel What I Feel?Embedding the MessageEnlarging the FrameEscaping the "Black Hole" of JudgementForgiveness Gaining Additional Perspectives in RelationshipsHumor, the Brain, and Personal ChangeIt's Just Not FairLogical Level ConfusionLooking Backward (at a few of the bends and dips in the road)Memory BankModeling ModelingModeling With NLPModal OperatorsNeuro-Linguistic Programming: A New Technology for TrainingNeuro-Linguistic Programming: Changing Points of ViewNLP Practitioners Doing TherapyNonverbal (Contextual) ImplicationNot SelfPerspective PatternsPractical SpiritualityResolving GriefScheduling Unconscious ResponsesSelecting a Resource to AnchorSelf-contradictionShameThe Decision DestroyerThe Emperor's New ProseThe Hidden Curriculum of Everyday Life: the details of how we generalizeThe Kinesthetic SwishThe True Genius of Virginia SatirTransforming an Uncertain/Ambiguous QualityTurning Refuseniks into Customers: therapy with involuntary clientsUnderstanding Comics: the invisible art (Book Review)
Use Your Buts wellVerbal ImplicationVirginia Satir's FlexibilityWhat Makes a Good NLPer?Where is NLP Going?Whispering in the Wind (Book Review)
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