this is total shit. im bored with everything. we could being doing so much more. nothing. the fear so consequence limits everyone. why can you just be your own person. everyone is th
e fucking same. people are putting their self esteem in everyone else's hands. you'll get far doing that. no one likes themselves so they try to be like everyone else in hopes to fit in and others will like you. so everyone walks around without any direction in being themselves so thats when all the magazines, movies, and shows get you.
they get you to dress just like Marissa from the OC. sorry i mean the last season. wow i prolly just lost friends not knowing that. well, as long as i have the same hair as everyone maybe they won't notice that i don't know all the words to any songs on my ipod unless i listen to them on repeat. its okay tho. i getting a new one because i hate this color. green ipods are beyond gross. i want my ipod to match my cell obviously. well, my friends will help me pick out one for my parents to give me for christmas. i'm just make my mom drop us off at pheasant lane. we have to get starbucks first tho.
this is complete and udder dog shit. im sick of everyone. yeah, clothes and other stuff are cool (i'd know i want to do fashion design) but fucking come on. fashion is the chance to be different, to say something about yourself, to do the unexpected.
you're not suppose to want to look like everyone. im sure i have some of the same clothes as others. but i never look the same as anyone. i don't see the point. at all. no one is creative. or fun anymore.