i see strange things behind my eyelids sometimes

Oct 19, 2006 21:32


Want to see one of them? If not, don't go any farther. I wouldn't blame you if you didn't.


It started on a sleep-out on the beach ten years ago. It was a bad time in my life and I was completely burnt out. I woke up from a restless sleep around 2 a.m. and saw the Milky Way stretched from one horizon to the other, like sparkling gauze wrapped around every hurt I'd ever endured. It looked incredibly close to me and I reached out with my hand and punched a hole into the fabric with my forefinger. When I brought my hand back, the tip of my forefinger seemed to have disappeared until I realized it was simply covered with a fine black powder. For some reason I brought it to my mouth and tasted it. It was like honeyed charcoal mixed with violets, sweet when I first tasted it, but more and more bitter as it moved into my stomach.

Out of the hole I punched into the Milky Way, I saw a few dark colors begin to seep out, first in different directions, then collecting into the vision you now see here. I watched it dance and vibrate in the sky until the Milky Way was barely a wisp of thread behind it. The Milky Way then began closing up like a zipper until the sky was completely starless and the vision was again behind it. It was invisible, but I knew it was still there ... hiding ... watching.

The next thing I knew, my eyes were opening to the morning Sun just coming up off the water to my right. Years have passed and I'd forgotten about the whole incident until a couple hours ago when I was stung by some kind of insect in my hedges. It burned terribly until I came inside and put a little peppermint oil on it, whereupon the pain went completely away, almost in an instant. That's when I remembered the strange colored lights on the beach and the vision I saw. This is the image that became burned into my brain, and I've just begun to wonder if it's still watching.

I'm standing in the rain
Just feeling the nitty-gritty of the
Whole thing
Everything is very special
Look in and see what I got
Orange popsicles and lemonade

illusion, art, reminiscences

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