the magnitude of their lies & coverups has been staggering

Apr 30, 2014 21:06


It got a little lonely for so many of us who were onto the Benghazi scandal for so long, not the least of which was Sharyl Attkisson, the great former investigative reporter for CBS News who was muzzled, her reporting spiked again and again, and who eventually gave up and resigned in frustration as she realized there were forces hell-bent on preventing the facts from coming out about this and other scandals that would harm the Obama administration.

As new e-mails emerge, e-mails which were hidden from Congress until Judicial Watch sued for their release, the facts are becoming clear and support everything we have been saying from Day-1.

There was a massive coordinated cover-up to protect President Obama in the weeks before the 2012 November election - a cover-up in which the full force of the federal government came down upon the neck of an obscure YouTube video-maker who was imprisoned for a full year and blamed by Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice et al for the death of four Americans in Benghazi on the 11th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

And they were successful - Obama won ... even if it meant looking the family of four dead Americans in the eye and lying to their faces. Cold-blooded reptiles that they are!

And EVERYONE beneath Obama and his gang FOLLOWED ORDERS knowing it was all a lie - and the media dutifully regurgitated the talking points and mocked those of us who knew the truth.
And aside for a few "outraged" reporters - what is everyone talking about today?

An 81-year old NBA owner who was recorded making racist comments by his 30-something sugar baby ... a man who was KNOWN to have racist tendencies for YEARS but who was nevertheless the recipient of lifetime achievements awards by the NAACP and a big contributor to Democrat and liberal causes.

You see - even in the face of plain black-and-white evidence Obama and his lackies lied repeatedly about Benghazi for political reasons, the media are STILL running cover for this administration and trying to distract the few people these days who have the vaguest interest in the "news".

It's mind-boggling, isn't it? They have been stonewalling for almost 20 months - trying to run out the clock - to obstruct and obfuscate and lie again and again.

There have been more full blown scandals - Benghazi, Fast and Furious, the IRS/Lois Lerner assaults against conservative and pro-Israel groups, the NSA spying scandal, the MOUNTAIN of ObamaCare lies, an Imperial president who ignores the Constitution and rule of law and creates laws while ignoring others to advance his agenda of "fundamentally changing" this country in accordance with his radical leftist vision of top-down authoritarian rule - more lies, failures, disasters, and scandal to sink 3 or 4 presidents (not Democrat of course).

You see - where once even Democrats would not tolerate abuses from Democrat presidents, this new Democrat Party is composed of rubber stamp, goose-stepping true believers who almost always defend their own no matter what.

How's the boot on your neck feeling these days? Hmmm? Are are you just getting used to it. Or are you part of the problem and actually endorse this authoritarian mindset.

For shame every one of you who could care less.


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