Read the words of James Madison in Federalist 47 in which he explains the need for divided powers in our newly proposed government to the people of New York:
http://federalistpapers.com/federalist47.html What did Madison consider tyranny?
"The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of
one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, selfappointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny."
Sound familiar? This is what has been happening in our blessed country slowly over time but now at an ever-quickening pace.
We are not a "democracy" although we have democratic elements.
Democratic elections put Hitler into office. Most dictators too and most recently Mohamed Morsi in Egypt who used "democratic" elections to get power and immediately began to grab power and exhibit dictator-like tendencies.
Our liberal friends are like that. Democracy, to them, is a train to get where they want to and then, when they obtain the "power" they lust after, they think they can say "We won and now we can do what we want to do."
No they can't. They MUST act in accordance with Constitutional limitations, the law they take an oath to obey, protect and defend. Madison explains why, and explains why we have the kind of government we do, a Constitutional Republic that limits the exercise of power - and the spread of tyranny.
Which is why the left hates the Constitution and our governmental system of sovereign states and a limited central government with its enumerated powers, separation of powers and checks and balances.
It is why the speak with disdain of our founders and their "archaic" founding documents.
They have not the experience of history, politics, human behavior, societal tendencies and philosophy to understand the brilliance behind them. They think they no better - that they can force people to act the way THEY think they should, exempting themselves of course for they are the elite - they are the masterminds - they are the ruling class.
Tyranny. They mock us when we call them out demanding to know where the jackboots are. Where are the knocks on our doors in the middle of the night.
Tyranny is not always so obvious. Look around. Who has control over virtually aspect of your life. Who has put fear into your heart lest you speak some opinion that might hurt you socially, in your job, in your community. And you do KNOW you are beig watched, right?
Read Madison and think about what he was warning about. About what is happening right before your eyes.
It's up to you. Freedom - or bowing down to your masters for the crumbs they will give you.
The "fundamental transformation of America".
What? You thought that was somehow going to have a good ending?