the operative word decided on today ... 'irrelevant'

May 19, 2013 12:05


Look into our eyes and repeat, "It's irrelevant ... irrelevant ... irrelevant ... "

Not a new strategy but a tried and-true one involving:

1) Feigning outrage when someone asks a tough question like, "After 9 months can someone tell us where Obama was when Americans were begging for help in Benghazi?"

"How DARE you imply we did anything wrong?"

2) Deflecting questions by using the old standby, "That's not the question, what the question really is ..."

3) Stonewalling, giving non-answers and misleading answers, giving false answers, obfuscating, preventing people who know from being questioned, trying to create diversions and then, after months and months of more new questions than answers it's, "What difference does it make? This is old news."

It is clear that Obama and his minions lied to the American people about Benghazi.

It is clear that Obama has used governmental agencies like the IRS, EPA, DHS and threatens, we fear, to use HHS (ObamaCare) to reward his friends and punish his "enemies".

We are now seeing the most widespread abuse of power by government in our lifetime and perhaps any lifetime ... and made worse by a largely complicit news media. Watergate was only a low-level bungled burglary of a Democrat campaign office that was stupidly covered up. This is about people dying and the government lying about responsibility and lack of leadership, and about how a large group of American citizens were targeted by this government and deprived of their Constitutional rights and civil liberties for political gain.

An election in 2012 now tainted in the knowledge groups opposing him were targeted by governmental agencies and personal information "leaked" to liberal groups supporting Obama.

Imagine the kinds of questions citizens may have to answer under this administration and its entrenched bureaucracy when begging for health care:

Are you now or have you ever been a member of the TEA Party or any similar conservative group?

Provide a list of 10 friends you have associated with in groups of more than three.

What books have you read over the last 20 years.

What political candidates have you contributed to and/or voted for?

Do you read the Bible?

Do you own a gun?

What is your viewpoint on gay marriage?

Think I'm kidding? These kind's of questions are being asked and this kind of information is already being collected - through your e-mails, social media, snitchers, all sorts of "Big Brother" means.

I fund it so disturbing that the massive all-controlling and intrusive totalitarian types of ideologies we once read about in novels like 1984 and saw in the real world in the USSR and Communist China with alarm are now being promoted by people who live on our own streets - people who imagine that they know better than we and will do and say anything to get control over us.

Corruption, scandal, lies and the abuse of power ... and what are we told in the face of it now?

The laws don't matter.

Who did what doesn't matter.

The facts don't matter.

Where Obama is in all this doesn't matter.

There was nothing political about any of this - it was just all silly mistakes and ...
What different does any of it make at this point.

The Constitution and rule of law don't matter.

They're all irrelevant ... irrelevant ... irrelevant ... irrelevant ... irrelevant ... irrelevant ... irrelevant ... irrelevant ... irrelevant ... irrelevant ... irrelevant ... irrelevant ... irrelevant ...
irrelevant ... irrelevant ... irrelevant ... irrelevant ... irrelevant ...

benghazi, scandals, msm, liberalism, obama, irs, tyranny

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