even democrats & media now saying obama administration lied about benghazi?

May 05, 2013 18:39

How can this be? After almost 9 months the truth is finallystarting to hit the mainstream?

Number 1) The media got Obama re-elected by ignoring the Benghazi scandal and trashing and smearing his opponent, mitt Romney, for even bringing it up.

Number 2) The 2010 midterm elections are next year and, like they did in 2010, Democrats up for reelection have to distance themselves from the toxicity that is President Obama and pretend they are their own selves, moderate to conservative, and in line with the people they hope to (pretend) to represent.

Number 3) Knowing this scandal could blow up into Watergate-like proportions the Obama shills in the media have to pretend they are on top of this issue they have previously been so eager to dismiss.


After almost 9 months we STILL don't know what Obama was doing in the hours Americans in Libya were begging for help.

We know what Obama did after Ambassador Stevens was reportedly murdered and raped - he went off to a fundraiser in Las Vegas, yukked it up on late night TV and on The View, rubbed elbows with the likes of Beyonce and all the celebrity types he loves to be with ... and so on.

But that night? What was he doing? I can offer a good guess. He probably went to bed.

And then the lies and cover-up began.

We knew from the beginning the people in Benghazi had been attacked before. Had made numerous requests for more security. And were turned down.

We knew from the beginning that the 11th anniversary of 9/11 was approaching and attention to the hot spots of the world needed to be made secure.

They weren't.

We knew the battle raged for hours and two men defied orders to stand down and took it upon themselves to help save others - and were killed sacrificing their lives for others.

We knew a lot - but Obama, Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice and others lied to us to save themselves from responsibility and embarrassment.

They blamed an obscure "film-maker" for an amateurish video on the Prophet Mohammad and he still languishes in jail to this day for "violating probation".

On top of all that the Obama-loving media carried his water and have done everything they can to keep people from knowing the facts. And none worse than CNN'S Presidential Debate Moderator Candy "Get the transcript" Crowley who lied during the debate, argued with Romney's point about Benghazi to protect Obama, and then ended the discussion, much to Obama's delight, and "moved on".

Romney was right and so were the legion of people who have been keeping the scandal alive in an attempt to get to the TRUTH and to get justice for those slain, their parents, relatives and friends, and this great nation - DESPITE the attempts to keep the facts hidden.

One of which is the fact that the people who KNEW what happened have been prevented from telling their stories and, now according to their statements, have been THREATENED by the State Department to deter them from speaking.

But speak they will.

And the Obama administration and their sycophants in the media? They tried to block and delay and stonewall month after month until finally they pull the old ploy liberals always try to use when people still demand answers - that's "old news" ... and hope the masses don't pay attention.

Sorry boys and girls - you can't run OR hide any more.

benghazi, liberalism, obama, mem

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