Obama loves celebrities ... after all, he's the biggest on of them all and he gets to remind all the wannabes of that fact.
What a life! Jetting all over the world, vacation after vacation, golf, parties, Palm Beach, Aspen, the Bahamas, Hawaii only stopping for "interviews" and yucks on late night talk shows, The View, with adoring media shills, and for hob-nobbing with millionaires and billionaires at fundraisers.
Oh, and the occasional teleprompter sppech and community-organizing rant to push some left-wing agenda and to attack conservatives and Republicans for daring to stand up for American principles and the rule of law.
But especially these lavish parties with a "Who's Who?" list of invitees - all paid for by the taxpayers who are constantly being lectured about how selfish THEY are and how the poor government has to do with a slightly smaller INCREASE in spending and is so short they can't open the White House for little children to go on a 10-15 minute tour of THEIR OWN HOUSE!
Doing that Obama Sequester Soul
The theme: "Leave All Your Troubles Behind."
Like I said, "What a life!"
And it's on your dime. If you have one. After all - we are approaching SEVENTEEN TRILLION DOLLARS in debt!
That's about $225,000 for every family of four in America. More if you actually are a producer instead of a taker.
Obama fiddles while America burns.