Apr 09, 2013 10:27
You know ... let THEM eat cake. Especially those "bitter clingers" out there and their "Bible-thumping" pals.
And all the while Obama spends his time - vacationing again and again, doing fundraisers, running his perpetual, "never-ending-campaign" (remember who called this even before Obama took the oath of office?), and playing round-after-round of golf and even flying down to places like Florida on AF1 at $180,000 an hour to trade shots with celebrity pros like Tiger Woods (without PHOTOGRAPHERS allowed so there are no damning pictures).
You know - a picture is worth a thousand teleprompters so we must protect the president.
Like the media do daily in NOT reporting (or spinning) important news about things like:
Solyndra, Fisker and other green energy and electric car debacles costing taxpayers billions in wasted subsidies.
Fast and Furious.
Real unemployment.
The deficit and skyrocketing debt now approaching $17 TRILLION!
An abortionist's trial for allegedly murder who-knows-how-many infants in his bloody chamber-of-horrors in Philadelphia and Planned Parenthood's virtual endorsement of infanticide!
AND, of course, the disaster that is ObamaCare and the almost daily barrage of bad news we all knew about years ago but that the media are trying to hide from the American people. You know, the media that ACTIVELY pushed for it, regurgitated all those false promises and are now so tied to this debacle they have to hide how truly bad it is for health care, the economy, and for the individual.
No - instead we get talk of FLOTUS's bangs (it's a WIG for crying out loud!), the push for gun control, illegal immigrant amnesty, gay marriage, the evils of conservatives (listen to the absolutely disgusting vitriol against Margaret Thatcher and compare to the reaction from the left at the death of Hugo Chavez), the Constitution and traditional American values.
I always love how my "moderate" friends always claim conservatives turn them off when they are passionate about their beliefs but never bat a "liberal" eyelash at the hate-mongering of the left. And how the clueless Republican consultants fall for it every time - you know - don't stand for anything and don't utter one bad word about your opponent or his policies. The moderates don't like that.
Yeah ... right!
Nice job 50.7 percenters - especially the ones who have their heads stuck in the sand.
I know ... *crickets* ... I'm used to it. I've been dealing with liberals and assorted leftists all my life.
Their patterns and tactics never changes.
media bias,