Can't bowl.
Can't throw a baseball (or think of a single player on his favorite major league team).
Can't bowl.
Apparently can't golf which probably explains why no cameras are allowed on his multitudinous golf outings.
And today, at the White House Easter Egg Roll, the president elicited giggles from some of the kids there as he threw up air-balls and banged the rim over and over trying to find the net - which he did twice.
Courting Future Democrats Didn't Go Well
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Quite an Easter weekend though.
The whole family was actually together for a change and they went to church where a noted left-wing preacher did him proud by speaking, not of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, but about all those dastardly right wing extremists ("Captains of the Religious Right") who apparently want to send blacks to the "back of the bus" and women "into the kitchens" where they belong.
How embarrassing!
Oh, and miraculously the Associated Press actually reported on his sermon but predictable SCRUBBED that portion after it had been up awhile and someone, most likely, said they shouldn't do that.
Meanwhile someone (Peggy Noonan on Meet the Press) FINALLY mentioned that trial of the monster abortion doctor on trial for allegedly delivering babies and then killing them while they struggled for life on his operating table - where she, you know, gently "scolded" the media who were ignoring this story as they were pushing the abortion issue.
Of course there were some averted glances, a second of *crickets* and the subjected changed to something more suited for liberal consumption - like how Republicans were between a rock and a hard place in their "extremist" positions against killing the unborn.
Amazing, isn't it, how many blockbuster stories ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, NPR,, the NYT, etc. CENSOR so that the majority of Americans don't find about what's happening in this country - things that liberals find inconvenient to their ideology?
A doctor kills babies for 30 years and no reporting by the liberal media but some unknown (conservative) Congressman makes a slip of the tongue and it's constantly rammed into the news cycle hours on end 24/7.
How depressing!
Things are bad and getting worse and the ruling elites and their media lackeys are feeling their oats.
And shooting hoops in front of little children being molded and conditioned to serve their rulers.
What a pity no one (in government or in their schools) will bother to tell them this is THEIR country and these "rulers" serve with our supposed consent and are supposed to represent what we want instead of to have policies crafted behind closed doors and shoved down our throats as we are told what selfish and bad childen we are ... at least those who are playing by the rules and subsidizing all this baloney.
The fundamental transformation of America.
So many happy people out there. You see them wherever you go.
I'm sure they're so proud of what they've don.