suddenly ... 'a lot of people won't feel the effect of sequestration' - obama

Feb 28, 2013 21:22


And that's just the way it is.

How long has Obama been running around like Chicken Little saying the sky is falling?


When the government is "shut down" it doesn't mean it is shut down the way Obama wants YOU to think it's shut down - ranting and raving like a little child having a temper tantrum.

The federal government will spend tens of billions of dollars MORE than it did last year even with the sequestration "cuts" which are simply reductions in the rates of increased spending.

The Democrats have REFUSED to pass a budget since 2009 because it was easier for them to just spend and pend and spend some more without having to put their names on a budget.

Obama is in violation of the law at this moment for not submitting a budget as he is required.

The non-defense "cuts" really amount to about $22 billion for fiscal 2013.

The economy of this country, the Gross Domestic Product, will flat still produces close to $15 trillion in goods and services - that's $15,000,000,000,000. Fifteen thousand billion.

Now Obama would have you believe taking 22 out of that 15,000 billion is going to cause chaos.

That's one dollar out of every 681 dollars in the economy, about one out of every 163 dollars the federal government spends.

Of that $163 the government BORROWS about $75 - almso SIX TRILLION in year - about $ 75,000 for each family of 4 and about $19,000 per individual. That's DEBT you and your children and their children owe.

Getting your money's worth?

Still think the federal government can't cut this year's deficit from $1,000,000,000,000 to $978,000,000,000?

Oh ... maybe there's hope. I just heard on the radio Obama has "a plan"!

Which reminds me - those Medicare cuts we talked about are coming soon to help pay for ObamaCare's bloated costs and to give healthcare to people who have never contributed a DIME - just as we said they would.

Remember those Medicare cuts? The ones Obama DELAYED the cuts until AFTER the 2012 elections.

He's so slick.

Be sure to tell mom and pop! And gramps and grandma. ASAP! Medicare Advantage is dying. That money they contributed for decades is being redistributed to people that need it more than they do.

Or do you think they might already know what you did to them?

Gee ... I wonder if the media will ask Obama about that?

Of course I know what he'll say: "I had no idea! Time for the rich to pay their fair share - again."

Yeah, I know. This is in one ear and out the other. Unless it affects you directly, "What difference does it make?"


Don't worry! We'll all have our day too - unless you have an "exemption".

medicare, deficits, liberalism, debt, obamacare

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