"my" taxes went up? - part 2

Jan 11, 2013 21:34


Yes - apparently there are still people working out there and their taxes just went up ... and they're not "rich".

The reactions last week ranged from hilarious to pathetic, mostly from Obama supporters on left-wing sites like Democrat Underground, with the funniest one being a DU'er who whined about his tax increase.

"What happened that my Social Security withholding's in my paycheck just went up? My paycheck just went down by an amount that I don't feel comfortable with. I guarantee this decrease is gonna hurt me more than the increase in income taxes will hurt those making over 400 grand. What happened?" - DCTraveler

When he realized conservatives had noticed (Rush Limbaugh read his post aloud) his reaction to the tax increase he deleted the post but thankfully we all saved it for posterity.

Some other samples from liberal web sites and Twitter:

“Obama I did not vote for you so you can take away alot of money from my checks.”

“I’m starting to regret voting for Obama.” - Christian Dixon

“Obama is the biggest f***ing liar in the world. Why the f*** did I vote for him”? - “Dave”

“I know to expect between $93 and $94 less in my paycheck on the 15th,” - RomneyLies

"My boyfriend has had a lot of expenses and is feeling squeezed right now, and having his paycheck shrink really didn’t help. - DemocratToTheEnd

“Many of my friends didn’t realize it, either. Our payroll department didn’t do a good job of explaining the coming changes.” - BlueIndyBlue

“My paycheck just went down. So did my wife’s. This hurts us. But everybody says it’s a good thing, so I guess we just suck it up and get used to it. I call it a tax increase on the middle class. I wonder what they call it? Somebody on this thread called it a ‘premium.’ Nope. It’s a tax, and it just went up.” -Bake

Some in the thread argued that the new tax - or the end of the “holiday,” which makes it a new tax - wouldn’t really amount to much. One calculated it would cost about $86 a month for most people.

“$86 a month is a lot. That would pay for … Groceries for a week, as someone said. More than what I pay for parking every month, after my employer’s contribution to that. A new computer after a year. A new quality pair of shoes … every month. Months of my copay for my hormones. A new thick coat (on sale or at discount place). It would pay for what I spend on my dogs every month … food, vitamins, treats.”- Honeycombe8

On Twitter:

“Really, how am I ever supposed to pay off my student loans if my already small paycheck keeps getting smaller? Help a sister out, Obama.” - Meet Virginia

“F***ing Obama! F*** you! This taking out more taxes s*** better f***ing help me out!! Very upset to see my paycheck less today!” - Nancy Thongkham

Awwww ... I'm tuning up the world's tiniest violin.

Isn't it amazing that people can cast a vote and be so uninformed as to not understand basic issues, what conservatives have been telling them over and over for MONTHS ... if not years?

Drones ... ideologues ... the entitlement class ... cult followers ... the face of the Democrat Party.

There's more but you get the idea. Maybe you can ask your friends their reaction ... unless they're government employees who don't pay Social Security taxes at all and are getting a raise to boot - they might not want to comment about it. ;-)

We all suffer because of the idiocy of the 51% but it sure helps to hear them squeal in their own grease.

And wait until more and more people find out their hours have been cut to 28 hours because their employers can't afford to pay for their ObamaCare!

What? You thought all that ObamaCare stuff was free?

No wonder Obama and the media are working so hard to distract you with 24/7 coverage of gun control.

My, oh my!

liberalism, taxes

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