where do our rights come from?

Nov 24, 2012 16:19


You know you've heard the talking points and spin ... the men we owe so much for creating a system based on individualism, private property and personal liberty were supposed to have been Godless men.

Liberals convulse so violently at the mere mention of the word "God" they do crazy things ... like scream and boo and rant at the National Democrat Convention a few months ago demanding the word "God" be stricken from the platform.

They were over-ruled despite obviously being in the majority ... which shows how "democratic" the Democrat Party actually is.

Which begs the question ... what did our founding fathers think?

Check this [picture out ... a quote from Thomas Jefferson, no less, inscribed on one of the walls of the Jefferson Memorial in Washington D.C.

From the Jefferson Memorial ... on the Source of Our Liberty

It reads:

"God who gave us life gave us liberty. Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed a conviction that these liberties are the gift of God? Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just, that His justice cannot sleep forever. Commerce between master and slave is despotism. Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate than these people are to be free. Establish the law for educating the common people. This it is the business of the state to effect and on a general plan." - Thomas Jefferson (1774)

Amazing, isn't it. These words in all probability can never be taught in government schools.

Our liberty, our respect for the individual, our belief in the right to the fruits of our labor, everything about the greatness of America is a result of this belief in the equality of man and his inherent rights to life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness.

No more ... not really.

We have more and more people in government, in Congress, on the Courts, and in the media who would scoff at this.

Now think about it.

They DO NOT believe we have unalienable rights; they believe that rights are ,i>granted to us by GOVERNMENT.

Do you understand the significance of that?

Do you better understand how America has been "fundamentally changed" in a way that would be abhorrent to the people who founded this great Republic.

Our Constitution is now mostly irrelevant ... it doesn't matter to these people.

THEY decide what power they have and how far they can go and what they can get away with.

You see ... we ar all subjects now ... isn't this where we came in?

Alas, there appear to be no more Jeffersons, Madisons, or Franklins.

Instead of inspiring speeches that advance freedom, we have divisive and shrill rants about free condoms, wars on women, the evil "rich" and the hate of "angry racist old white men".

And now we are told to "come together" ... to move "FORWARD" ... and support the agenda ... or else.

What government giveth, government can taketh away.

Thank you for your attention.

freedom, liberty, constitution, tyranny

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