like little puppies

Nov 15, 2012 11:10

And despite "winning" they are STILL whining ... and oh so angry.

They had approximately 6 million LESS people voting for their side despite a questionable legal voter turnout but that's always a given, but they are claiming a mandate to do "what?"

Tax the rich and redistribute the plunder to the "poor" (Democrats).

The media FINALLY are granted a press conference so that Pres. Obama can continue his community organizer rantings and they preen and smile and dance like little puppies wanting attention and ask more softball questions to ingratiate themselves with their messiah.

Meanwhile a Colorado reporter who posed an embarrassing question to the Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar is threated personally afterward ON TAPE with Salazar saying next time he'd "punch you out" if he ever did that again.

Think the media is interested? Of course not ... this is the Obama Mania Media and nothing matters and, after all, when Salazar realized he was on tape he said he "regretted" what he said.

Message age received.

So now we have the spectacle of virtually everyone on the left picking up their marching orders and trying to convince Republicans that they need to abandon their principles because ... well, they just want to "help" them get more votes - right?

How laughable! And there are always going to be the "get along" gang of people without principles who start talking about things like tone and brands and "inclusion".

We just witnessed the most vicious, mindless, slanderous, petty, dishonest Democrat campaign in history with the Republican candidate being portrayed as Satan ... being accused of everything from getting rich by sending jobs to China, wanting to give trillions of dollars in tax cute to millionaires and billionaires while taxing the middle class, taking food and medicine away from old people and children to actually being a felon and directly responsible for the death of women while wanting others to die giving birth to babies they don't want.

And moderates complain that conservatives drive them away when they use "harsh language".

If it weren't so transparent and phony and sick it'd be funny ... but here we are. Dirty politics wins again ... and believe me, being from Louisiana and seeing this garbage all my life, I know dirty politics when I see it.

This administration should be up to its collective neck in investigation for its scandals but the media are actively defending and protecting it. NOTHING has changed.

Now that the election is over we are starting to get a glimpse of what has been hidden from the clueless masses ... the masses that are still unconcerned but they haven't been affected yet by what they have done.

And what did Obama offer to the single question, a rather tepid one from Ed Henry on Benghazi?

The little debate speech he probably practiced over and over in which he feigned righteous indignation that his UN Ambassador was lying to the American people by carrying his water in claiming Benghazi was caused by that silly and obscure YouTube video clip no one saw.

And guess what? I predicted he'd do that BEFORE the first debate but, because gentleman Mitt Romney and his crack team of advisers figured there was no need to push the issue and Obama was able to save it ... until he choreographed that "press conference" yesterday so he pull it out and have it played over and over in the liberal media for maximum effect.

He dared the Republicans to go after him ... and well they should. But he won't even answer a SINGLE question about the most basic things.

Like where was he when the attack on Benghazi was going on, what was he told and what did he order done and to whom?

He admitted HE sent Susan Rice (and others no doubt) to claim things that were being denied UNDER OATH in hearings later and Americans should know why.

THEN, just before having to testify, the head of the CIA, David Petraeus, who initially parroted the "official explanation" (NOT under oath) is outed as having had an affair, immediately resigns, and until yesterday was supposed to be unavailable to testify.

While Secretary of Defense Leon Panneta and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton hurriedly scurry out of the country to attend a wine tasting and other such important events in Australia.

Like little puppies they scurry about, yipping and dancing, and the media play along and help circle the wagons.

But Republicans need to be more like them if they want to "get votes".

MASSIVE taxes are coming ... and regulations ... and more unemployment ... and inflation ... and violence ... and this healthcare debacle ... and remember - YOU voted for it. All the finger-pointing at conservatives to manufacture more scapegoats won't matter any more as the framework of society begins to crack. All the snark and snipes will ring hollow and small.

It's coming. And you asked for it ... you practically BEGGED for it. Our flimsy circle of liberty has now shrunk even more.

Me be more like them? Not if I'm the last man standing.

propaganda, benghazi, media, msm, liberalism, obama, politics

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