better late than never ... jay leno is finally starting to get it

Oct 13, 2012 16:32


Yep, when I actually talk about substance, what Ryan and Biden said, and how average Americans viewed the Biden/Raddatz trainwreck ... they make comments like, "You live in a Bizzaro World or something?"

Of course they can't help it since they only believe what they see and hear on PBS, NPR, MSNBC and the alphabet network news shows.

Here's what average people saw ... Joe Biden laughing his butt off at the serious issues that confront us:

Joe Biden Thinks Nuclear War and a Disintegrating Economy Are Just Too Funny

image Click to view

Whoa! ... and my liberal pals were just so enthused by this "performance"!

now ... let's see what "liberal to the core" Jay Leno, a huge Obama admirer, thought of the debate.

Ready? Heeeeeeeere's Jay!

JAY LENO: You know, watching TV last night, I see this stupid infomercial for Crest white strips. Have you seen this? It goes on for like an hour and a half with this guy just smiling. Then I realize it's Joe Biden. I'm watching the debate. [Laughter] That's not Crest white strips. That's Joe Biden.

[Cheers and applause]

Well, I guess you know the Obama campaign has a new strategy. They've gone from "Hope and Change" to "Smirk and Giggle." That's the new thing.


Well, I thought the moderator, though, Martha Raddatz, she did a great job on the debate. And I'll tell you, she was, I think it was really smart of her to cut Joe off after that third scotch and soda. "You know, that's it." [Laughter] "You've had enough, pal!"

And I was surprised how closely Ryan and Biden followed the rules. Here, here's Martha Raddatz at the beginning of the debate giving the rules.


MARTHA RADDATZ: Tonight's debate is divided between domestic and foreign policy issues. At the beginning of each segment, I will ask both candidates a question, and they will each have two minutes to answer. When I ask about tax cuts, Mr. Ryan must avoid the question by changing the subject. And every time Mr. Ryan speaks, Vice President Biden will have ten seconds to interrupt, and when not interrupting, he will smirk. [Laughter] Let's start the debate.


[Cheers and applause]

LENO: They followed very closely. And like Jim Lehrer with the presidential debate, she's also being criticized for losing control. See, the problem is they always use these news people as the moderators. You know what you need? A Catholic nun with a big ruler. [Laughter] You're just sitting there, "Ryan, get your facts straight! Biden, wipe that smirk off your face or I'll wipe it off for you!" Just slap him, just hit him in the face. Exactly.

[Cheers and applause]

And we also, we learned a lot about Joe Biden's policies last night. As you know, he has come out very, very strongly against malarkey. [Laughter] Yes. And believe me, the pro-malarkey people are not happy. [Laughter] Who's he running with, Calvin Coolidge? Malarkey?

Actually, there were a couple of really funny jokes during the debate, like when Ryan referred to the Saudis as our allies. [Laughter] Kills me. And the way Biden kept referring to Ryan as "My friend." He'd go, "my friend," and "my friend this," and "my friend believes." As you know, "my friend" is political talk for "up yours." [Laughter] Okay, that's political talk for "up yours." There's no such word as "my friend."

[Cheers and applause]


Now, to be fair, Leno followed by tossing in a couple of Sarah Palin and more Paul Ryan jokes but they were really stretching, so stereotypical ... in no way comparable to the hysterics of the Biden/Raddatz "stuff" that was based on the reality we saw right before our eyes.

The reality ONLY THE LIBRERAL ELITES AND THEIR SYCOPHANTS are pretending not to see.

The only sad thing is comedians have WASTED almost 5 years of avoiding the goldmine Obama/Biden jokes they COULD have been telling that would have actually lured millions of viewers back to their shows.

And comedy history will most certainly record this lack of effort from comedians and comedy writers to do what they'e supposed to do - make people laugh and NOT advance their political agendas ... of course as long as liberals are not the only ones writing about it.

humor, obama, satire, debate

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