'oooooo .... last night' - the mar-keys

Oct 05, 2012 11:55


See what happens when you stand up for the truth and speak substance over style?

I Pick Winners ... How About you?

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Or go here for some great (I think) early 60s music:


Back in 2008, when Mitt Romney dropped out of the race, he gave a speech about which I noted, "Where have you been? If you spoke like that during the campaign you'd be the nominee."

I even did a post called metaphorsbwithu for president in which I gave unprepared over-the-top answers to debate questions as they were asked during a debate ... the type of answers Americans respond to and believe in their hearts.

Last night Romney did that ... and he walked all over the clueless and befuddled Barack Obama ... a man who has been protected and covered for and has NEVER had to answer a tough question.

Libralism, progressivism, Marxism, Socialism, statism can NEVER stand up to intelligent discussion in the arena of ideas.

LAST NIGHT ... it was all out in the open for all with eyes to see ... and all with ears to hear ... and brains to understand.

Barack Obama is an ideologue, and a narcissist, who despises what is best about this country ... and it showed last night ... as well as how he is incapable of defending that ideology and the destruction he has brought about with the protection of a slavish media.

Liberals are in denial today in their rationalizing about what happened last night, blaming everything from the altitude to debate preparation to the moderator who did all he could to keep Obama in the game.

We saw first hand, last night, as I have said so many times, "The Emperor Has No Clothes".

He's an empty suit ... an empty chair ... he can only get away with his outrageous claims using pre-prepared scripts and teleprompters. He has a RECORD and cannot defend it ... in fact, he cannot believe someone he considers so inferior as Mitt Romney would dare bring it up.

Everything you have been taught about liberalism is wrong and cannot be defended in the arena of ideas. Freedom works. Truth always wins out.

You cannot, as Romney said to Obama's face after he kept accusing Romney of wanting to cut taxes by $5 trillion for the rich, citing his own "five boys" who tried to get over him, keep repeating a lie and hoping people will think it's true. Did you see that?

Last Night!

Let's dance!

msm, obama, romney, debate

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