whenever someone says "independent", "non partisan", "expert" run for the hills

Sep 20, 2012 15:07

So a friend of mine is droning on about how the Congressional Research Center (CRC) has proven lower taxes don't result in higher revenues for the government.

First of all, the days of "independent" and "non-partisan" institutions are gone as they have been infiltrated with partisan hacks ... unfortunate because reliable information is worth its weight in gold.

This particular CRC report looks at tax rates over the decades and concludes that lower marginal tax rates, including capital gains taxes, do not correlate to higher levels of economic activity and, at the same time, government "revenue".

In a nutshell this is rather like arguing that CO2 level increase cause global warming. Or, when it comes to abusing statistics ... "figures lie and liars figure."

In fact, comparing 1945 to 1950 to 1960 to 1979 to 1993 to 2002 to 2008 utilizing a single correlative factor like tax rates is beyond naive and borders on stupidity.

Or, more like it ... the "researchers" wanted to find a correlation that supports a political viewpoint and found one. As Obama said in the 2008 debates, raising taxes is not a matter of revenue but fairness.

And isn't it funny how liberals always want to tax and regulate things (and people) they don't like in order to control them ... alcohol, sugar, fat, tobacco, gasoline, coal, automobiles, mobility, homes, speech, etc. but when it comes to ENCOURAGING activity by REDUCING taxes and regulations they manufacture studies like the one previously mentioned to argue that doesn't happen.

Got that?

You see ... if you give your kids smaller and smaller allowances they'll work harder and harder for less and less. Give your wife a smaller and smaller anount of money to run the house and demand from her more and more results. Yeah. Try that argument with them and see what happens.

Liberals believe that by raising taxes on things they can control and hopefully LIMIT their use but they want you to believe that LOWERING taxes will not encourage the opposite behavior.
Why? because they are "smarty pants" who think they know better than you about how to conduct your life and how to utilize the fruits of your labor.

And because they think you're stupid.

Because should Obama get booted out of office and the free market be allowed to crank up its engines you will LAUGH at the liberal argument that the economy does better when the GOVERNMENT takes more and more money out of the private sector and becomes even more bloated than it already is.

Or are you satisfied with watching these elitist nabobs living the "Life of Riley" while you collect the crumbs they toss down to you?

The "geniuses" who hover over us ... tormenting us to no end. Whose lifestyles are subsidized by people making a fraction of what they make, who love to cheat on THEIR taxes.


politics, taxes

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