you know they're lying through their teeth

Sep 20, 2012 10:39

Ask the Tea Party Patriots he has mocked and dismissed out of hand.

Ask the people of Arizona who only wanted to protect themselves from illegal aliens engaged in murder, rape, and kidnappings.

Ask the people of Louisiana whose oil industry was decimated during Obama's illegal moratorium.

Ask a coal miner.

Ask the GM and Chrysler bondholders who were strong-armed and stiffed, the non-union workers who lost their pensions, all in favor of union workers and leaders.

Ask the "enemy" of Democrats ... as Obama referred to them in 2010 when urging Latinos to vote against Republicans.

Aky the "bitter clingers" who happen to hold on to love of God and country and American traditions.

Ask Catholics who have been told to stuff their religious beliefs and serve the secular state by subsidizing people who want contraceptives and abortions ... despite being against their religious beliefs.

Ask all the people EXEMPTED from the very laws the rest of us are bound to obey.
Ask we the taxpayers who have to pay for all the bankrupted green companies while their owners and executives make out like bandits.

Ask the cities who have to deal with the crime, filth and damage from "occupiers" who get special treatment from law enforcement at the direct order of the federal government.

Ask the celebrities who dance and prance, wine and dine with the First Couple and who contribute millions to Obama's re-election.

Ask the family and friends of those killed during the Egypt/Libya assaults while the president is skipping intelligence briefings and playing Mr. Cool with entertainers.

Ask Benjamin Netanyahu and David Letterman.

I could go on ... and on ... and on.

But the media are predictably hyperbolic over a tape in which Mitt Romney tells the truth ... that almost half of voters pay no income taxes and aren't very receptive to a campaign stressing lower taxes.

Almost nothing but DEFENSE or OBFUSCATION over the Obama presidency ... which has been a debacle.
Why do people (except the left-wing ideologues and drones) pay any attention to what they say?
Thank God there is finally some crack of light being shone.

For 5 years we've been saying, "JUST TELL THE TRUTH!" and the American people will listen.
The record of this administration, its goals, its disdain for the Constitution, its contempt for American values is so clear. The absolute corruption of this agenda-driven enabling media so diabolical.

Only a MASSIVE rejection of their ideology on November 6 will facilitate a reversal of the damage they have done in their attempt to "fundamentally transform" America ... and even then it'll be a monumental task given the extraordinary damage they've inflicted to our economy, our government, and the American psyche.

Educate yourself. And pray!

propaganda, msm, liberalism, obama, statism, socialism

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