workers of the world unite ... hmmm, where have i heard that?

Sep 11, 2012 10:31

What makes this even more relevant is that a friend of mind just posted one of those liberal propaganda pieces accusing conservatives of demonizing unions who simply want to bargain for fair wages for their supposedly oppressed and underpaid members.

Do You Now Understand Why Johnny Can't Read?

Now correct me if I'm wrong, but do you get the impression that any of these teachers have ever missed a meal?

How come we never see the First Lady dressing down the teachers of this country about their eating habits ... or can't a teacher afford any fruits and vegetables on an average salary of $76,000 a year? Okay, enough with the snark ... I don't like doing that but when you're talking to liberals sometimes that's all they understand.

Now the Mayor of Chicago, ex-Obama right-hand man Rahm Emanuel is concerned ... not for HIS kids because they go to plushy private schools to the tune of $25,000 a year.

He's concerned because the unions are being unreasonable and the issues are so small and he's concerned about all those kids out on those already dangerous Chicago streets.

Of course the unions have a friend in the White House and in the Democrat Party whom they fund with virtually 100% of their political contributions so this puts Rahmbo between Barack and a hard place.

Anybody wanna bet Obama won't get involved in this to get all the little kiddies back in their indoctrination centers ASAP ... and that the media (and the unions) won't swoon?

As we know, it's not just about "wages" it's about controlling the political process.
Remember when SEIU president Andy Stern, the union guy who's visited the White House more than anyone, famously said:

"Workers of the world, unite!" -- it's not just a slogan anymore."

"We're trying to use the power of persuasion. And if that doesn't work, we're going to use the persuasion of power because there are governments and there are opportunities to change laws that affect these companies."

"We took names. We watched how they voted. We know where they live."

"There are opportunities in America to share better in the wealth, to re-balance the power. And unions and government are part of the solution."

Here's one of MANY outrageous quotes from Karen Lewis, head of the Chicago Teachers' union, at a "social justice" conference:

“I am the only black woman in the class of 1974 from Dartmouth College. Woo. People are impressed. Let me tell you, I spent those years smoking lots of weed, self-medicating. Self-medicating, thank you. Sounds like you all did to. Oh, I’m sorry there are kids here, I wasn’t suppose to say that right? Too late!”

Feeling good about your kids' future over there in Chicago? I suppose this is just karma for Rahm Emanuel who has to deal with people like this.

I could cite examples over and over of union leaders and members promoting Marxist, Socialist, Fascist redistribution-of-wealth agendas ... like Brian Verdin, a Marxist teacher and AFT leader, who wants to bring a socialist revolution to the United States.

image Click to view

FYI: The title on the screen is in error. Mr. Verdin is a member of the Ameican federation of bteachers, not the Milwaukee Teachers' Education Association.

And need I mention the granddaddy of education "reform", that "respected" Chicago professor, ex-terrorist, anti-capitalist and professed communist (and One Percenter) Bill Ayers?

The speeches and references are many but the left would try to pretend these are just conservative "bogeyman" charges ... you see, whenever you educate people on what these people are actually saying, even with their own words and actual VIDEO, it's YOU that is lying.

Remember the Wisconsin recall elections against Gov. Scott Walker a few months back?

The White House, the unions and the media worked incessantly, poured huge sums of money into Wisconsin to get rid of Gov. Walker and the people who pay for all this said NO ... with fluency.

And after months of hype and propaganda by the media how was it reported? With barely a whisper as everyone quietly pulled up stakes and went home hoping no one noticed what an embarrassment this was to Obama and his union pals.

And today Wisconsin is thriving, no public sector employee has lost a job and the massive Democrat deficits have turned into a surplus.

A story the media don't want you to know.

It's all about POWER now ... to get control of the private sector AND the public sector and fundamentally transform America.

But they would tell you it's about "fair pay for a fair day's work" and such drivel.

That "fairness" thing again ... notice how they can never really explain what "fair" is? I'll tell you what it means. It means more and more and more for THEM paid for by US.

You are being scammed folks ... wake up!

P.S. Wouldn't it be funny if literacy amd IQs actually went up the more the kids are beyond the grasp of some of these loonies? ;-)

msm, liberalism, education

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