when you hear obama say he's going to transform america

Aug 13, 2012 21:22

You can actually stop and think about it or do some research but I'll help you out:

Military dictatorships

Now ... we are literally living through a period where every left-wing, liberal, progressive, Marxist, anti-capitalist, utopian idea that has been advanced over the last 100 years is being blatantly trumpeted and promoted by an ever-increasing chorus from the Democrat Party, the liberal media, academia, the public sector and Hollywood.

That's a fact!

Look around you.

The Declaration of Independence and Constitution were created in acknowledgement of the fact that our rights are (un)inalienable and granted by Nature's God.

THIS IS NOW BEING OPENLY MOCKED in the media and beyond.

The left is TELLING YOU that your rights should be defined, distributed, and (in more cases) denied according to what elitists like them decide. And these are people who have nothing but contempt and derision for our blessed country.

They are STEALING from you and redistributing it to people you have no idea who and what for ... to advance their cause.

Folks, when the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, our (un)inalienable rights are gone - America is gone. And guess what ... she ain't coming back.

Wake up. Look around. People sense something is wrong but they are either not paying attention or they don't understand history, ideology, and the plain facts that are right under their nose. Or they're mesmerised by all the "freebies" they've been promised, or resentful of people who've done what it takes to be successful and they're falling for the Marxist claptrap rhetoric designed to get them all worked up ... like they do in banana republics.

America is melting down, folks. By design. It's happening right in front of your eyes ... if you'd just open them and focus on what's in fron of you.

These are very nasty people.

liberalism, obama, redistribution of wealth, politics

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