with dripping sarcasm it comes: ‘you didn’t do it … the ‘collective’ did it …’

Jul 17, 2012 13:51

Did you notice not only what Obama said but his tone, and HOW he said it ... like a high school kid, with snark and a sneer?

And this from a man who has never really produced anything himself, who claims credit for anything good that happens, blames everyone but himself when his policies result in disaster, which is the norm not the exception, and who has skated through life primarily with the help of others?

“You’re not so smart!”

“You don’t work so hard!”

“Without the government you can do nothing!”

Thank you Mr. President for straying from your packaged teleprompter speeches and revealing what you really think about us - the people who make this country work. Of course it IS a little disturbing seeing all these mind-numbed drones standing up wild-eyed and cheering as you denigrate anyone who is successful and excuse anyone who is a failure, that it's because things aren't fair, and by demonizing individualism and hard work and claiming it is GOVERNMENT that makes things happen and it will make them happen for you.

If you just give him a little more power and a little more time to rob the rich (who don't suupport him) and give to the poor.

Uh, which came first, Mr. President? The highway or the car?

Which came first, the electric grid or the incandescent light bulb?

If it were up to government (actually the military and private scientists) we’d still be playing PONG on black and white monitors.

If it were up to politicians, you wouldn't have any rights under the Constitution which has now been so watered down it's primarily being used to advance a radical left-wing agenda and dissemble the checks and balances limited government we the people and our soverign states agreed too.

In fact, Democrats are basically arguing the 10th Amendment doesn't apply anymore and lots of those other protections in the Bill of Rights need to be watered down as well ... and not a BLINK from our representatives and the media.

Anyone who still wants to deny the far-left ideological basis of Obama’s worldview, how he views America, its traditions and vales and Constitution either is blind, not paying any attention, or delusional.

And the response from the consultants?

Let the Democrats control the narrative, let them lie about your candidate and even call him a FELON, but don’t fire-with-fire because that might turn off the independents.

If they bring a knife you bring a powder puff.

They don’t get what they’re dealing with, do they.

INVENTED charges carried dutifully by the liberal media to distract from the actual record of who Barack Obama is and what he has done and what he intends to do and Romney is supposed to just roll over and give the left exactly what they want.

It’s the old, “When did you stop beating your wife?” strategy.

THIS is what passes for “journalism” today.

It’s all made up but no one is allowed to tell the truth about Obama. Use his own words, his own history, his own record and you are accused of being a RACIST.

Come on! Look around you. You know what is happening to America.

So much to say and so few with the courage to look at the truth.

Of course it’s not your fault, right? What good is the truth? You’re just a victim like most everyone else and what good is the truth when you have someone to excuse you for not going to class and advancing you to the next grade.

The "fundamental transformation of America. Denigrate success and accomplishment, hard work and innovation, faith in yourself, family, God and country ... lets all just strut in gooose-step and let our elites tell us, we who don't have enough intelligence to run or own lives, what to do.

That sounds like a plan ... right?

Until the chickens come home to roost.

authoritarianism, liberalism, obama

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