those wacky liberal follies

Jul 10, 2012 18:51

1. A bunch of liberals were all in a tizzy on NBC at word yet another millionaire is leaving the country and renouncing her citizenship over excessive taxation.

What makes it even more ironic is that she’s Denise Rich, a great big lib herself, a big Democrat contributor, especially to the Clintons, and the ex-wife of infamous millionaire felon and tax-evader Marc Rich... the guy who got a *surprise* pardon from then president Bill Clinton orchestrated by none other than his Deputy attorney general ERIC HOLDER.

NY Senator Chuck Schumer has been proposing legislation to stop the exodus of the rich by mandating confiscation of a big chunk of their wealth for the privilege of leaving.

Now, after the recent ObamaCare Supreme Court decision, Schumer shuld feel he has the power to tax ANYTHING he wants ... but:

Here’s an idea for all you leftists:

Build a fence along the border to keep all the rich people from leaving ... ironic isn't it? They don't want to stop illegals from coming in but they want to stop citizens fed up with having their pockets picked from leaving - at least with their portfolio intact.

I guess that brings new meaning to the phrase, “You can’t take it with you.”

You could begin by starting to build blockades in states like New York, California, Illinois, Maryland … you know. The blue states that are forcing more and more people to leave due to high tax rates, assaults on the private sector, and an increasing percentage of people expecting entitlements and subsidies.

2. Next we have the madcap Chris Matthews of MSNBC howling because Mitt Romney made some joke about someone grapping his “tush”.

Chris Matthews is talking about that? The guy we call “Tingles”, who said he got a THRILL up his leg whenever he heard Obama speak?

And what is it with these bromances on the left? You have NYT and PBS pretend conservative Davis Brooks declaring his little heart fluttered when he was interviewing then candidate Obama and he caught sight of the sharp crease of his pant.

And then there’s George Stephanopoulos, the former (and current) Democrat operative who pretends to be a journalist on ABC who cried after Obama was inaugurated.

3. Of course women reporters are all in the tank for Obama too. Take Andrea Mitchell … please take her.

She got busted a couple of weeks ago editing yet another piece of video to make it appear Mitt Romney was clueless about modern technology ( he was simply showing how the private sector is so superior to government) and today tried to advance the same old debunked narrative about Romney’s work at Bain until she was literally laughed at by former New Hampshire Gov. John Sununu who wasn’t having any of her hocus-pocus and schooled her on the facts about the REAL outsourcer … Barack Obama.

Even when confronted with FACTS, like a true liberal, she continued the attack:

MITCHELL But isn't it a bigger problem for Republicans than for the White House?
SUNUNU: No. When you've sent $500 million to Fisker and it goes to Finland immediately. When you send the solar money and it goes to Mexico. When you send the turbine money and it goes to Denmark. And we can go on all day. There is $29 billion worth of purchases that came out of this administration, outsourced jobs to foreign countries. Mitt Romney outsourced zero. Obama outsourced 29…
SUNUNU: Zero. He wasn't there when those issues came up.
MITCHELL: Well, first of all…
SUNUNU: [Laughs]
MITCHELL: …the $29 billion are not all outsourced from the administration because...
SUNUNU: Sure they are.
MITCHELL: A lot of those jobs still remained here. There are jobs, when you do a grant, Governor, there are jobs here as well as overseas.
SUNUNU: [Laughs] You're struggling, Andrea. You're struggling. [Laughs]
MITCHELL: Well, first of all…
SUNUNU: [Still laughing]
MITCHELL: …these are competing claims and we will get back to you with all of the numbers.

SURE! Too funny!

4. Finally we have the bit about an NAACP event in Texas that Obama is ducking (what can he tell these people after helping devastate the black community in only 3 plus years?) and that Attorney General Eric Holder is attending.

He has to attend since the NAACP has decided to form a kind of “human shield” around the disgraced attorney general and defend his shoddy record by playing the race card.

Well get THIS:

We all know Holder has been suing states like Texas, Florida, etc. over requiring Photo IDs (and making sure people who are registered are actually U.S. citizens) in order to vote. Right?

Well guess what you needed to listen to the Attorney General speak today?


No word yet on whether they’ll confiscate the forks ... and we so hope there are some left so hope we can stick a fork in this administration in November and say, "You're done!"

So much absurdity on the left and so little time!

humor, liberalism, satire

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