wow … even left-wing 'politico' can’t ignore the truth

Mar 17, 2012 23:32

Oh, really? I am so surprised!

“What is the national debt now … $16 TRILLION?“

But, I thought Obama was “cutting the deficit”.

I thought he was slashing spending to the bone with “draconian” cuts.

(That's supposed to be sarcastic)

And the news media and their agenda-driven reporters and pundits dutifully carried his water. All those bogus sob stories about seniors not getting their Social Security checks … and Obama just slashed $110 billion from the “so-called” Social Security trust fund.

Oh, didn’t you know?

And suddenly - “exploding debt”? … the CBO tells us what we’ve known for years. And no one has been concerned except Republicans. And conservatives. The Democrat Senate hasn't even offered a budget in THREE YEARS! But the media have been preoccupied.

But, but … what about free condoms? And the war on women? And inspecting kindergarten students' lunch pails. And what stars are performing at the White House Wednesday night?

Gee, maybe someone in the media will suddenly ask what baseline budgeting is.

Your children and grandchildren will curse this president’s name and maybe yours to for putting him in office and doing nothing to stop his insane agenda.

I guess he’ll keep on raising money from his corrupt buddies and union thugs and anyone who thinks they can make a buck by paying to play … continue on his “never-ending campaign” (boy! Did I call that one or not?).

It’s all he knows to do … he never did anything actually constructive in his life.

I guess his snarky joke-writers are thinking up clever lines and trying to fugure out who to blame.

Let me guess.

The “rich”?

Wall Street?

The Congress?

George Bush?

This is so, so tiring!

And God knows what he’ll try to do if his hat is handed to him this November.

Hold onto your seats … and save some cash if you can.

deficits, obama, never-ending campaign, debt, politics, liberals

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