if only left-wing religious zealots could see themselves as others do

Mar 11, 2012 21:38

Again, I predicted all this.

Remember the flack over then candidate Obama’s sitting in the pews of that wacky, racist, anti-Semitic, anti-white, anti-capitalist black liberation church for 20 years.

The media hid it, as they did everything controversial involving Obama’s past, and, when the Jeremiah Wright tapes and the rest of the evidence emerged, said it was not to be discussed PERIOD - that it was personal, in the past, of no concern … history.

Now, after three of the worse, most depressing years in American history under this president, amid all the chaos and corruption in the economy, the government, the Middle East, Europe and the world … NOW the left is concerned about religion.

Mitt Romney is a Mormon and the media are playing that up as a negative.

Funny … because for MONTHS they were pushing Jon Huntsman, the candidate no one wanted, for the Republican nomination (even my liberal friends LOVED him) and he is ... *gasp* a Mormon! As is Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

Rick Santorum is a *gasp* Catholic, a religious group that has been on the winning side of every presidential election (including Obama) save one (I seem to recall).

The liberals are so afraid of people voting on what they’ve actually done (remember 2010 when over SEVEN HUNDRED Democrats were kicked out of office and no Democrat dared say he supported Obama or ObamaCare that they desperately tried to make RELIGION an issue.

Pitiful … just pitiful.

And you know what’s REALLY funny.

Look at the Democrat base.

African-Americans are virtually 100% Obama and they’re mostly God-fearing “Praise Jesus” traditional Americans whose churches have rather non-liberal views regarding gay marriage, abortion (and infanticide) and other traditionally conservative issues.

Then there are the Latinos, predominately CATHOLIC, the very institution Obama and the Democrats are demonizing, who again have very conservative views on social issues.

Then there are the Muslims.

Anyone want to demand mosques start providing contraceptives for Muslim women.

So who’s left?

Mostly government employees, union thugs, and left-wing intellectuals who think they could design a better country that Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and John Adams.

If liberals were not in charge of so many things this would be hilarious.

As it is they are a tiny fraction of the country but extremely destructive and dangerous.

So now you know why religion is suddenly an issue in 2012. The same old lies and smears are virtually all the left has.

They sure can’t talk about a $16 trillion debt (and growing) … or gutting Social Security by $110 billion, or taking $500 billion from Medicare, or $5-6-7 gasoline, or real unemployment over 15%, or skyrocketing food prices, or scandal after scandal in the green energy sector, or those electric cars catching fire or freezing up, or Obama’s campaign contributors getting cushy jobs or huge (taxpayer subsidized) bonuses, or a wacky Energy Czar with a chauffer driven security detail and a wife who drives a gas guzzling BMW.

And, hey! Is Gitmo closed yet? Didn't he issue the executive order on, like, DAY ONE! *lol*

No, the left-wing media wants to talk about free condoms for everyone. Kind of shows you where there head is, right?

Come on! Are you REALLY going to vote for Obama because you think a Republican might take away your birth control?

Or is it that you just think his “cookie jar” will be bigger and you LOVE those cookies.

I thought so. ;-)

liberalism, obama, religion

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