the ... uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh ... the condom president?

Feb 17, 2012 20:36


How appropriate of a left-winger, a friend of mine to boot, to use one of the oldest left-wing smear merchants in the liberal media -- a man who established his career getting “dirt” on the sexual preferences of Goldwater Republicans from classified FBI files for LBJ back in the 60s -- to shed “light“ on the "contraceptive" controversy and the motives and actions of all those dastardly Catholics.

Bill Moyers ... a man who belongs to the same Christian sect that spawned the wacky anti-Semitic, anti-white, anti-capitalist, pro-Farrakhan, anti-Catholic/Christian church and pastor Jeremiah Wright … the same church President Obama cut his religious tooth in some 20 plus years ago running into the 2008 campaign.

Bill Moyers ... a man who has for years attacked the "conservative media" as being an arm of the Republican Party ... yes, the same Republican Party who today absolute abhors real conservatives and prefers to work with the other side.

I'm guessing Moyers either chooses to ignore the vast left-wing media's promotion of liberalism and the Democrat Party's agenda (have you heard about how left-wing Media Matters has been coordinating with the news networks, cable news, bloggers, reporters, etc.?) or he is truly suffering from "uh ... uh ... uh ... uh" dementia.

But all those warts aside, Moyers, as usual, ignores the real issues regarding President Obama's dictating that ALL health insurers provide birth control products including abortion pills.

The real issues are:

1. Where does the president of the United States get the power to ORDER any private company, much less a Church, to supply a product against its will ... And “free” of charge.

Can you say … imperial presidency? Rule by fiat? Dictatorship? Etc.

2. Where does a “right” to contraception and abortion come from anyway? And who are YOU to compel ME to pay for it?

2. Compromise? By requiring insurance companies to pay for birth control and “abortion pills” when, in fact, religious institutions (or ME) are the ones paying for the coverage and therefore are still paying for those products through a middle man.

3. The "They all do it" argument?

First of all that 98% statistic is bogus and is being misinterpreted by liberal propagandists. But suppose it is true that 98% of “Catholic” women have used contraceptives at some point in their lives. That begs the question:

If 98% of Catholics have used drugs in their lives, should drugs be legal?

And should YOU pay for them?

4. Everyone has to comply with the directive. Really?

Hey! Here’s an easy question.

Should Muslim women have free contraceptives and should Muslim men and Muslim companies, institutions, and mosques pay for them?

Yes or no? Anyone?


5. Caught "flat-footed"? Actually an 8 year-old could have seen through Obama's "accomodation" which may explain why Andrea Mitchell, Brian Williams and, yes, Bill Moyers couldn't.

6. Freedom “from” religion? What a laugh! Liberalism IS a religion, death its primary sacrament, and its goal to control virtually every aspect of our lives.

What a world it would be without whiny no-nothing liberals trying to force everyone else to do as they say.

I could go on with Moyers’ “full of holes” hit piece but giving facts to liberals is like talking to a brick wall.

Contraceptives are CHEAP and PLENTIFUL and obtainable ANYWHERE.

This sudden DISTRACTION (to take attention away from the DISASTER the 52.7 percenters brought upon us) is totally political, meant to placate the far-left base and provide ammunition to attack conservatives on social issues.

And to further shred the Constitution and to CENTRALIZE AND CONCENTRATE POWER IN THE EXECUTIVE OFFICE!

My God!

Communists and Islamo-fascists are getting a foothold in South America, the Middle East is being taken over by more radical Islamists, China is advancing across the globe and growing its military, Europe is crumbling, the US debt is approaching $16 TRILLION, Obama is cutting our military and wants to reduce our nuclear stockpile by 80%, Iran is close to getting a nuke and threatening Israel, the United States and the non-Muslim world, prices for healthcare, food, and energy are going through the roof, our Constitution is being shredded as the president acts again and again outside its constraints, food Nazis are confiscating lunch boxes from pre-K students, and people are concerned about getting free contraceptives?

It boggles the mind. I actually have friends who stay up nights worrying, not about Islamic fanaticism, but about what the Catholic Church teaches!

Liberals think they are so clever but they really aren’t … it’s just that there are so many people who lack the ability to think critically and who are susceptible to their 6th grade level rants.

Again ... pay attention! NO ONE is saying they are against anyone who wants to get contraceptives on their own or through an insurance company that wants to cover it.

It's a made-up controversy.

But, look ... YOU don’t have the right to MAKE ME pay for it … and especially, but not exclusively, if it offends my moral compass.

I TOLD EVERYONE who would listen when the Democrats controlled Congress that Obama’s bogus Executive Order to get "moderate" Bart Stupak to vote for ObamaCare 2 years ago was a CROCK and this proves it. Remember?

That was supposed to settle the issue but I knew better.

Is there anything the liberal side does that doesn’t require lies, theatrics, deception and media-wide propaganda campaigns to muddy the issues and brainwash the simple-minded?

Liberty is a powerful force. For God's sake, don't throw it away.

sex, religion, bill moyers

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