so obama is going to 'cave' ... another friday night dump, perhaps?

Feb 10, 2012 10:53

We know the media like the back of our hands.

The dilemma for the liberal media is … how to report the news WITHOUT informing the clueless about what Obama wanted to do and to how to INSULATE him from as much blame as possible. Which is easy for them after all this time ... they'll make him look like a hero.

Get ready for the doublespeak, folks. It's all smoke and mirrors ... just as the promises of ObamaCare have been from the beginning.

When did we suddenly become transformed into a society when government can forbid you to play frisbee on a beach, put salt on your food, or order private companies to pay for services many or most of us don't want ... and order US to pay for them and/or buy them?

America is still rambling toward deconstruction and transformation to an all-powerful centrally-controlled left-wing authoritarian state under this administration and the Socialist Democrat Party.

A "softer" kind of tyranny, of course, with pretty young spokespersons with nice hair and and lots of slick PR.

All the media can do is hide as much information from the public as possible, distract and misinform, smear any opposition, and advance the narrative necessary to advance their agenda.

With nearly 50% of the American public paying no income taxes, with nearly that amount being subsidized with freebies provided by the working stiffs of America, with approximately 20% of people working for government, with a growing entitlement class, with a growing chorus of prominent people (including the most radical member of the Supreme Court) asserting that the Constitution, liberty and limited government have seen their day, with more and more money being borrowed to run this massive government or taken out of the public sector to redistribute to the chosen ones, with more and more winners and losers being decided not by the free market but by politicians and bureaucrats, with a corrupt media that helps advance the agenda instead of reporting facts, it doesn’t look promising.

And to think my liberal friends were so upset about supposed "imperial presidencies" and "spying on Americans" and assaults on the Constitution ... even for terrorists! What a bunch of baloney. I called it all back then and I have been proven right.

NONE of that matters to them now because their protests were not based on concern but on ideology and all they wanted was to be in control.


Wll, they HAVE been in control and look at the damage they've done!

We’re going to try to stop it … so help us God!

Oh, and for you timid souls, be careful! Big Sis is monitoring all dissent these days so if you tweet or use Facebook, etc. know you are being watched and watch what you say. ;-) Of course I'm sure many of you will try to score some brownie points and trash a conservative or two and thereby get in good with "the boss". Right? *lol*

Of course if you are a leftist, an "Occupier", a socialist, an anti-capitalist, a critic of America and her Constitution ... you are safe ... for now.

Comforting, isn't it?

Don't you just love that "fundamental change"?

religion, faith, obamacare

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