liberalism gone amuck

Oct 26, 2010 18:32

In America.


You Do Not Have the Right to Live With Anyone You Wish in Michigan

Getting it?

Each and every room of your house.

Look behind the curtains and in every corner.

The left is desperate to hang on to power and transform this country into their Utopian nightmare. Reports are already coming in of voter registration fraud. Military ballots have not been sent out on time in Illinois and New York. Early voters have complained of funny business on the ballots ... like the names of certain candidates already checked off. Most Democrats are running as far from the Obama/Democrat agenda as they can, ignoring the issues and resorting to the tried and true fear and smear tactics which the mainstream media are happy to advance.

There's a political tsunami coming, and it remains to be seen how much an in-the-tank media, unions, community organizers, the ACORN spin-offs, teachers, government workers, and those on the government dole can negate the impact of everyday Americans who either knew what Obama and the Dems were going to do or who got suckered in that new tone, post-racial, centrist hopey-change pap that was dressed up to hide the Socialist bent of Barack Obama the new Democrat Party.

On November 2, seven days from now, we can start turning this insanity around.

It's going to get ugly ... it already is. The ladies on The View were spewing the "B" word this morning in referring to a certain Republican woman candidate, Katie Couric just referred to middle America as "The Great Unwashed!", and President Obama just referred people who oppose illegal immigration as THE ENEMY!

It's so easy to be a liberal, isn't it? You don't have to know anything, you don't have to follow the "news", all you have to do is remember that everyone else is evil and look for the guy or gal with the "D".

I wonder if half of them even know whats about to happen, why their "leaders", the news anchors, and pundits are in such a panic?

Haven't you noticed how all you've been hearing is how stupid, nutty, and extremist the Republican candidates are.

Nothing about the ObamaCare debacle and all the lies, nothing about the deficit, the fact we have no budget, card check, Cap and Trade, the wars, unemployment, etc.

Yep, the left is becoming truly unhinged as the reality of what is about to happen sinks in but, hopefully, next Wednesday, the Sun will be shining a lot brighter and the air will smell a whole lot fresher.

civil rights, democrats, liberalism, obama, religion, politics

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