who is this guy? - it’s quite stunning, isn’t it?

Aug 19, 2010 13:03

And the media, the Democrat Party, and the entire left-wing are in an absolute tizzy over their inability to control the message.

This is why your mother always advised you to tell the truth!

You never have to struggle to remember what you said to this one and that one at any given particular moment in time.

It’s why you can always count on people like me to be absolutely candid and consistent, and why we don’t need an enormous organization behind us to create and sustain an image.

First of all, the media are flabbergasted that more and more people do not know if Barack Obama is a Christian and/or believe he is a Muslim.

PEW Raises Stink About Obama‘s “Religion”

The media are howling in protest, which begs the question - what if he is? What would be wrong with that? And why does the media consider this a right-wing smear?

After all, remember that NYT article link by Nicholas D. Kristof I posted back in 2007 or 2008 of a Times article where Obama talked about his early upbringing in a Muslim environment, and described the Muslim “call to prayer” as “one of the prettiest sounds on Earth”. It’s not as if there wasn’t public information on the subject and, if you remember, it was a Hillary Clinton staffer who first pushed the “rumor” that Obama had Muslim roots.

Now, 3 years later, only a minority of Democrats, including blacks, believe he is a Christian according to a new PEW poll. I don’t know why they’d think so.

After all, where is he every Sunday? Oh, that’s right. He plays golf. Well, what about his commemoration of Christmas and Easter and National Prayer Day … oh, that’s right. I forget that he skips out on any public observance of traditions like those and prefers to go to the beach in Hawaii, or play with his Blackberry.

This is a media which bent over backwards NOT to dig into Obama’s past and, as I posted after the election, actually admitted that they did not know who he was and what he thought.

Remember 2008? Millions of people went to the polls and voted for a man because he was historic, because he was black, because he was nice-looking and spoke well, because there had never been anyone like him before and he would change the world.

What a difference 2 years make, huh?

If you’d go back and read my posts in the year before the election, you’d have to admit all of the signs and warnings were there - but facts don’t matter when you are caught up in the euphoria of puppy love.

If everything this administration and Democrat Congress has done in the last 2 years had been listed as campaign promises, they would have been rejected at the polls in massive numbers.

The same mainstream media that jumped the shark in 2008 and has been withering on the vine ever since, are now absolutely frantic in their attempts to save their reputations and the Obama presidency.

The same media that mocks the Constitution, Christianity, family, morality, the Boy Scouts, entrepreneurship, and anything that represents traditional American values but thinks we should be tolerant toward those who want to institute Sharia Law.

It's almost as if they're reporting to please each other, and the Obama administration, instead of trying to analyze and inform? Isn't it? Instead of trying to understand why people believe Obama is not a Christian, etc., their kneejerk reaction is to lash out and criticize ... to try to assure people he's not what they think he is. That he's not doing what they think he's doing. That they're just too dumb to realize what a precious gift Obama is to the world.

Now, a large number of the 52.7% who voted for Obama might have been fooled into buying a pig in a poke, but what are these elitists in Washington and the media really up to?

As if we didn’t know. All of us bitter clingers - who say what we mean and mean what we say.

How refreshing, huh?

The Great Awakening is coming.

I can see November from my porch.

poll, obama, religion, politics

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