Oh, oh! And with the ObamaCare disaster coming down the road, where are Canadians going to go for their health care now?
Uhhh ... can you guys pretend that ObamaCare monstrosity never happened? - Canada Come on! It's already going to costs hundreds of billions more than they said it would - and that's just the start.
Imagine the government which regulated BP and Transocean and then reacted to their massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico by sending lawyers, holding hearings, naming commissions to study the problem, and telling Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal (who cannot do anything without federal approval) to cool his heels while it studies the potential effect on the environment of building sandbars along the coast to keep the oil out of our precious wetlands and coast.
Oh, and the U.S. Attorney General who doesn't think voter intimidation by the New Black Panthers is worthy of prosecution, who can't admit Islamist extremism is a problem but Grannies who believe in the Constitution are, who plans to sue the State of Arizona for a law he hasn't read, who doesn't think bribing a Congressman to stay out of a Senate race is worthy of investigation, DOES think that those bad oil oil companies have to be investigated for potentially criminal behavior (including the killing of birds) before they have a chance to stop the spill.
I'm sure THAT is going to go a long way in helping them do their job faster and better.
Oh, by the way, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder has admitted that the Department Justice has no plan were we to experience a 9-11 type attack involving a weapon of mass destruction!
Yep! Big government. Makes you proud.
Big liberal government - with a grudge against capitalism and the free enterprise system ... unless they're getting their campaign coffers filled with contributions.
Uh, huh! You voted for it, and you voted for its leader.
A president who has no experience actually doing anything except community organizing, reading speeches, and blaming everyone for everything that goes wrong (and more) but himself. You voted for him. You begged for big government, and now, very soon, hoards of Canadians will be cursing you for your folly!
Scary times, huh? No kidding! I mean really scary.