We watch with no little amusement and bemusement how money, power and the manipulation of emotions and prejudices can be used to manufacture issues and crises, advance templates, and agendas to (try to) direct public opinion in a particular direction ... even so that people with intelligence and education can fall into their hands like over-ripe plums.
There has been no end of talk all across the media in recent months, talk of extremism and violence among people who demonstrate nothing to warrant that depiction, all designed to denigrate people and cast them as dangerous. It has been orchestrated by propagandists and calculated to produce its greatest impact at the most opportune times.
Today is the 15th year since the horrible Oklahoma City bombing of the Alfred P. Murray Federal Building in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995 by Timothy McVeigh.
Everyone from former President Bill Clinton on down to the lowest trolls that crawl over he internet has tried to connect that hideous and cowardly act with patriotic Americans intent on restoring limited Constitutional government and rule of law to this country.
Isn't it funny that a President who ruled during a whole series of terrorist acts, who pardoned terrorists, who, along with so many left-wingers wants us to understand why terrorists do bad things (it's our fault) is so concerned about demonizing and warning about people who might say something that might result in violence.
There will be warnings about what is really honest patriotic dissent instigating another violent Oklahoma City type event. In fact, those that are pushing this argument are really creating a scenario, if not trying to set up some event, so that they might blame those who disagree with them for any act of violence.
Any intellectually honest observer would notice that the vast majority of hatred, vitriol, and violence, even killings, have not come from moderates and conservatives but from the left. Time after time some story makes the headlines and, when the facts emerge as to the backgrounds of the individuals, the storyline suddenly stops.
People of good faith who are hurt by extremists of any stripe are not usually concerned about the source. There pain and loss is no less real when the perpetrators are revealed.
However, people of good faith are damaged when it is they who are blamed.
Remember ... the motivation of Tim McVeigh's bombing, however dastardly, was Bill Clinton's and Janet Reno's complicity in the horrible gassing and burning of scores of men, women, and children.
The Oklahoma City bombing came two years TO THE DAY after the killing of 81 people at Waco in the most horrible manner possible.
The government has admitted McVeigh's motivation for his horrible acts as originating from both the Ruby Ridge killings and the Waco massacre. In 1997 a letter from Tim McVeigh protesting the FBI's actions was published in the LA Times.
Terrorist Tim McVeigh Was Not Just "Anti-Government" - the Waco Connection So you see, although today is the 15th commemoration of that horrible day Tim McVeigh brought upon those innocent people and so many of their friends and families, indeed all Americans, the SOURCE of that rage won't be commemorated, or even mentioned today, on this, the 17th commemoration of the killings at Waco.
And Bill Clinton will continue his attempt to re-write history, with the aid of the media, and transfer the blame that belongs to his administration onto the backs of innocent people.
Today people will be warning about and associating violence and terrorism with Tea Party Patriots, and some of you will no doubt buy into that exploitation of tragedy and attempt to intimidate people and suppress free speech. Many of you will hear or read such words, ignore the truth and the facts, either because of ignorance or design, and nod your heads in agreement.
And that is very disturbing!
Luckily, more and more people are realizing what's going on, and their voices will be heard in a little over 6 months.