Yes, Mike, we know. There are absolutely no circumstances that would cause you libs to justify putting a wet towel over a mass murderer's face and dripping water into his nose for 5-20 seconds.
Should I ever find myself on the top of a skyscraper with the skin blistering off my back and my shoes melting to the floor, preparing to leap to my death, I'll take great comfort in knowing the planner of that horror is getting his three squares a day and enjoying each and every right he has coming according to our Constitution.
Incidentally, Nancy Pelosi and all those other Dems who CLAIMED George Bush was a criminal gave their approval to his "alleged" criminal behavior.
Please give me those other links to the top-secret CIA memos and letterheads you spoke of.
Btw, it's so funny that this administration's trampling all over the Constitution in taking over private companies, firing people in the private sector, limiting compensation and commissions, threatening people and institutions with retribution, trying to restrict free speech, breaking legal contracts, awarding unions majority shares of companies while stiffing guaranteed bondholders, and on and on bothers you not.
It's fascism Mike, and I called it a year and a half ago ... told you it was coming. Remember?
First you denied it and now you endorse it. That's what libs do. *LOL*
Dripping water you say? Sounds so nice...tniassaintMay 16 2009, 00:18:53 UTC
If terrorists are not lawful combatants then treat them as criminals. If they are unlawful combatants, then they are criminals and should be dealt with as such. By US law, anyone that murders or attempts to murder a US citizen overseas is still subject to the US code.
You need to read up on the description of the torture technique, what it really is and what it accomplishes. It is flat out torture. If it was done to one of our guys over seas we would file war crimes and have some one's head on a stake. What a double standard.
NO ONE has ever suggested in any way that these actions - the attacks on the WTCs or any similar attack - in any way equates to the actions of the US torture. It is a bogus ploy. Also - no one EVER got information of such an attack THAT COULD NOT BE HAD ANY OTHER WAY. In FACT the CIA has stated that in order for the information to be considered factual it had to be corroborated by some other source. Hmmmm... so another way... like not by torture. Also in fact - torture will gain you the BARE MINIMUM of information that the victim believes he / she can get away with giving. Psyc 101. Interesting that even the CIA has admitted that. Other methods have proven over and over again to be far more effective. The CIA has admitted that as well. No ticking time bomb sort of scenario has ever been resolved successfully due to torture... ever... in all of documented history. No I haven't read all of documented history - and neither have you. But the researchers I have been reading, watching and listening to who ARE experts on the psychology and have been through much of the media have indicated that they have never been able to find ONE SINGLE CASE where that sort of urgent situation has ever actually existed.
So you have now indicated that you DO limit your respect for the Constitution? You admit to situational and relative morality? Seems clear you have.
Proove that Nancy Pelosi is lying - that her brief was in fact through. Show that her comment that they told her that there were techniques IN USE or TO BE USED, contrary to her claim that they were saying that the methods were simply legal or COULD be used.
Do I think she has shown a marked lack of spine in standing up for her beliefs? Hell yes. At the least she did not do her obligatory homework - at the worse she has simply lied... no worse then Junior and company did for 8 bloody years.
Go search the library of Congress yourself. I am not a "professional" in that field. I do not have time to waste on such a thing. It is a silly and pointless argument. You know it, too.
Re: Dripping water you say? Sounds so nice...metaphorsbwithuMay 16 2009, 01:34:42 UTC
Dripping water is not nice. I had it done to me. I was told ahead of time what was coming, btw.
Compare that to Japanese filling a GI's stomach full of salt water and then jumping on his stomach or stopping up his nose and forcing him to swallow water until he suffocated.
You say it was "flat-out torture". Flat out torture, to me, is what the Vietnamese did to John McCain ... for fun. And he still shows the effect to this day.
There's no arguing with anyone who refuses to accept the fact that breaking a rule to save thousands is NEVER preferable to allowing those thousands to die a horrible death.
I accept your position. I disagree with it.
Situational morality? What morality is it to know a catastrophe is coming and to sit idly by so as not to offend some ironclad adherence to some regulation. It would have been immoral to allow thousands die in Los Angeles (as the CIA confirmed was being planned and was broken up due to information obtained).
Everyone who has heard Pelosi's explanations know she was lying. She went from she was never informed about any enhanced interrogation techniques to she knew but couldn't do anything about it. *LOL*
Funny you were so adamant about Scooter Libby's "lie" based on the testimony of a nervous and stuttering news pundit.
You were the one who said you could find all those letterheads, Mike. Not me. I did look ... unsuccessfully.
Everyone, included you, believed Valerie Plame although her e-mails and the testimony of others showed she did lie, but suddenly you want us to believe that the CIA is lying and Nancy Pelosi is telling the truth.
Even Clinton hack Leon Panetta can't cover for her on that whopper! :-D
The entire Democrat Party is being shown to be liars and partisans of the worst kind ... sacrificing national security for the accumulating of more power.
Re: Dripping water you say? Sounds so nice...tniassaintMay 16 2009, 04:23:09 UTC
Libby DID lie. He lied outright. He was found guilty of lying and obstructing justice. He lied under oath. Oaths mean nothing to these people, Ed. If Pelosi lied - and it can be shown beyond a reasonable doubt while she is under oath - run her up the courts system and lock her down. The problem is that NONE of these people are held to the level of standards that any of the rest of us are. I mean the elected ones. Not the career folks that are regular Joe's hired in the office and etc. You still seem to think I like the Democrats - I just believe that BOTH OF THE parties are full of corrupt little weasels - I am boggled by anyone that cannot see the obvious - that both parties are rotten as month old fruit. It is QUITE hard to take anyone seriously that is unable to see the darkness and corruption from both fields. A REAL multi-party system is SO needed - and a strong system of keeping all these nimrods in check.
By the time these guys were being handled in GITMO it is a real stretch to assume that any of what they knew would be current. It simply isn't reality.
My issue is that we are not sure if the CIA or Pelosi are telling the truth. Innocent till proven guilty is the law of my land. No one has actually proven she has lied. Her answer is plausible - even if it shows her incompetence and questionable judgment - not to mention a weak sense of values. Libby was actually convicted - found guilty and convicted. His conviction wasn't pardoned or overturned. He was released by Junior as a bone to his "dogsbodies". Pelosi came off BAD in the interviews and public statements. She usually does. She is a terrible speaker.
I would like nothing more than the gutting of BOTH parties.
The RNC is doing a good job of gutting themselves. One of their people was on the radio this week talking about how the party is fractured. They have suffered badly at the hands of the religious right they pandered to and allowed to hijack the party. They got mired in various corruptions that they cannot seem to get around (like the democrats seem to - but no - several of them have had their problems as well). they are without an obvious front runner. They are disorganized and appear like an angry mob of hateful farmers waving pitchforks with unpopular messages and voicing support for the very people that most of the country blames for creating the current mess.
STocking up on duct tape and can goodstniassaintMay 16 2009, 00:19:16 UTC
If the US Government is a majority stock holder they have the right to demand the dismissal of any exec in the company as any other stock holder would. Yes I think it was overstepping, but he needed to go anyway.
The US government through its tax code and commercial enforcement has the authority to do all sorts of things along these lines. They have taken control of businesses as needed in the past as well. The argument is weak.
Where is free speech restricted? How have you been stifled? You used such arguments on me with regards to the Patriot Act. Where is it?
Giving the Union control of the business... well maybe they will do a better job than the former managers did. The details of the deal will be out and we can see what the reasoning is. None of this Rush Limbaugh-esque sound bite and Ultra right wing noise. It isn't working. It is so far from Fascism as to make me ponder if you are even aware of the meaning.
Do I think there have been mistakes - yes. Do I agree with everything BHO has done - no. Do I think that just because they don't do as I think is right they are 1 criminal - no. 2 stupid - no. 3 catastrophic - no.
and neither do the markets, the public opinion or the international community --- so far.
I don't like the Fed or any other government agency to be in charge of any private industry and more than is necessary to maintain the economy and national security. Government Regulations are meant to maintain safety on many levels. They can get out of hand - and they should be kept in check - but the EXACT SAME can be said for business - and I have been saying for YEARS that the sort of business models that we use for the economy and corporate America was UNSUSTAINABLE and ILLOGICAL. Again I am shown to be right - and the economists keep coming out to say so. We all have our psychic abilities I suppose.
I see nothing but spin in these so called predictions. When I do I will be sure to acknowledge them.
Oppression is everywhere - everyone is so downtrodden and depressed. The end is near, build a bomb shelter! Where are the jackbooted thugs?
Re: STocking up on duct tape and can goodsmetaphorsbwithuMay 16 2009, 01:45:46 UTC
Where in the Constitution does it say the Federal government can take over private businesses or tell them what to do? That it can order banks, etc. who didn't even take TARP money to run their businesses the way the Federal government dictates?
Or tell states they can't cut wages on state employees. The list is almost endless.
This is silly to go on, Mike. You railed about all these alleged exercises of executive power during the last administration (all vague and unsubstantiated) and you cannot see that what Obama has been doing over the last three months is the biggest power grab on the history of the world.
You called my predictions "spin" last year and they are all coming to pass. Of course you're probably not hearing about them on your favorite news stations.
You know ... the ones that SLOBBER all over Barack Obama ... the ones who cheer when he walks into the room.
Did you know that not one White House reporter (except FOX) asked Robert Gibbs about Nancy Pelosi today ... and Gibbs dismissed the question.
No wonder you don't know what's happening!
But I spin! Now, that's the thing that's really hilarious. :-D
Re: STocking up on duct tape and can goodstniassaintMay 16 2009, 04:32:04 UTC
Actually, there are plenty of powers NOT expressly covered in the Constitution. Presidential precedence covers a lot of them. A Practice first pulled off by George Washington, no less. Assuming powers that were not defined by the Constitution as the needs of the country and the needs of the office determined they needed to happen.
Of course... what Constitutional Grounds allows for torture, or the violation of international agreements and treaties?
None of this means much to any of them, my friend. They will do and get away with anything they think they can. All of them.
All substantiated you mean - and more and more of it is substantiated as documents are released. I will love the next 8 years.
Karl Rove engineer the biggest power grab in history. He and Cheney played a much bigger hand and a much bigger gamble than anything the Dems have attempted here. Frankly, I HOPE that they can find document that provide incrimination for Rove, Cheney and the rest of that mob. I do not necessarily want to see them prosecuted - but the vindication of all the people that spoke out against them, and the embarrassment of knowing they were ratted out would be enough to make me happy. BHO will not do it. There are unspoken rules that you do not out your predecessor in the WH. I do not believe that BHO will actually do it. And if he does the risk is it will happen to him in return.
There is no honesty in DC - except the Smithsonian. I love that place. I miss it more than almost anything else in my life.
Re: STocking up on duct tape and can goodsmetaphorsbwithuMay 16 2009, 14:04:46 UTC
What power grab by Bush, Cheney, and Rove?
When the powers created by this administration and the Federal Government conflict with individual rights and States Rights as enumerated in the Tenth Amendment, that is a real power grab.
But Obama is already on record saying the Constitution is "flawed", remember? That it has too many restrictions on what the government can do.
I pointed that out during the campaign.
You and the libs would have us become a banana republic, going on fishing expeditions and prosecuting or embarrassing the previous administration for political gain.
All the while, when REAL crimes and misdemeanors are occurring, you are the chief apologists ... along with your adoring media.
President Bush didn't say one thing about the Clinton administration, either to place blame or to score political points. This is where class gets you when it comes to dealing with this Democrat Party.
Re: Where is the smoke to that fire?tniassaintMay 16 2009, 19:38:03 UTC
No Ed - they are not attacking the former administration (entirely) for political points (or gain & as if the Republicans don't do the same anyway - how disingenuous). Oh yes, I'm sure that comes in a big part; but the real motivation is that the American Voting Public did not agree with the direction the last gang was taking us. The candidates and the voters REALLY DISAGREED with the last administration on so many issues on a fundamental level. So if that translates to political gain - oy vey.
The members of Congress - both parties - have fostered this "attack politics" culture as far back as anyone can remember. To suggest some bizarre virtuous counter reality where all the Republicans are saints of some sort is just being out of touch with the reality most of us call life.
When a voice constantly attacks every niggling detail of any side and is unable to show the faults or failings - or dishonesty of the other side - when you cannot even make an attempt to show the things that another point of view offers - even when that view is successful or even morally, ethically or functionally correct - you lose PILES credibility.
So what is this horrid power grab? Spell it out. I am just not seeing it any more than that made by any other administration. All I hear is conservatives complaining about their side losing the election, the other guy is a novice and can't do anything right and no one will listen and things are not as good as they seem even though our last guy screwed up - and we only dislike him till someone else complains about him and then he is a real saint!
Me - I am LOVING all the wrangling going on. It's great political drama. I really have been watching out for the oppression. I even polished up the lenses of my binoculars so I can see it a long way off.
Re: Where is the smoke to that fire?metaphorsbwithuMay 16 2009, 20:07:39 UTC
When did President George Bush ever attack Bill Clinton? Anyone in the previous administration? Clinton, Carter, and Gore attacked Bush INCESSANTLY and the media ate it up.
My credibility comes from my information and analyses being accurate and my predictions coming to pass.
Libs ALWAYS want to shut up the other side.
The mainstream media covered up the Pelosi story for weeks until the reported on her denial, then basically ignored all the evidence that showed she was lying. Panetta's statement. Peter Goss' statements.
Who has no credibility?
I don't have to spell out the power grab, Mike. A blind man can see it. My God! Are you serious? I can't keep up with the outrages.
Remember the ads scaring people that John McCain wanted to tax their insurance benefits? Guess what the Dictator is considering doing?
The problem is that most people get a sanitized version of the "news" and dismiss everything else because the media presents everything else as hate speech.
The 52.7% of the voters did not vote for this Mike. Although you never could explain what you liked about Obama, the best I can come up with is that his promise of federal spending cuts, tax hikes on "the rich", and his "health plan" gave him a "slight edge" over McCain. *LOL* They were so close, huh! :-D
I told you he was a "stealth" socialist/fascist and I was right. If "the people" wanted that, why did they try so hard to hide it?
The Dems got a whopping 52.7% of the vote because Obama was the American Idol president, thought he was a centrist, and McCain was set up for failure.
Oh, another prediction of mine just came through as the co-director of McCain's campaign, John Huntsman, is joining the Obama team as ambassador to China. *LOL*
Re: Where is the smoke to that fire?tniassaintMay 17 2009, 00:04:38 UTC
See - there you go again.
I have repeated over and over and over that I did not vote for BHO because I liked him (although I am liking him more every week). I voted for him because I liked McCain LESS. I went point by point through the ENTIRE collection of bullet points in the election platforms of BOTH candidates and when I compared the results regarding "pros / cons / and did not matters" I came up about 53% BHO, 47% McCain - odd how close that was to the actual vote count. I guess that makes me a centrist. I think I have been pretty clear on why I favored (note that is a different term than "liked") BHO and you just won't hear it. I have even made it clear that Mc took the fall out of people not liking the policies of Junior and company. While he tried to distance himself from it, he couldn't convince people of it. Tough nuts to the Republican crowd. Hope they can find a unified and organized voice by next time round. Hope they figure out how to play the media. They're kinda looking like they are going to ground for now - except Dicky boy and his droning media noisemakers that cannot reach out to anyone except the core of the Far Religious Right Gone Nut crowd.
I know you think a lot of the so called prediction. So far they are no more earth shattering than if I said I was going to wake up and breath in some air tomorrow. I think it is safe to say I will.
Again... no fantastic power grab - no jack boots - no stifled speech - there are plenty on the right that have said he is doing an ok job. They are the more rational and even spirited ones. The world has not gone up in flames and people outside the US actually seem to have some respect for us and our POTUS for a change.
So tell me... really ... what kind of bar do you set for this guy? What could he do, besides become a different person, that would prove to you he is not the disaster you think he is.
The economy recovers? You won't give him credit. People get access to health care and the country doesn't descend into Socialist hell of the Soviet era - you'd find a way to pick it apart. Ends the war on positive terms in Af-Pak-Iraq. You would claim he surrendered and didn't win enough.
Congress - well - no one really LIKES them now do they. Even as BHO's numbers go up in the polls (I am a member of several polling organizations groups now btw) the Congress is still tanking and it is universal on both sides of the aisle.
so why do the MAJORITY of the US population think that this is all nonsense and noise and rhetoric? Why is it that something like 2/3rds of all Americans identify themselves as Democratic? ...and why is it that the Right just doesn't seem smart enough or capable enough to actually pull themselves up and find a voice and a mainstream audience and SOUND CREDIBLE?
Why do they sound and act so fearful and hateful? If they got it right they should be STORMING the Democratic base and tearing it down. They had control for so long and they lost it because people got sick of them.
Re: Where is the smoke to that fire?metaphorsbwithuMay 17 2009, 02:09:20 UTC
About 1/3 of people identify as Democrats, Mike.
Heard about the protests in California yet? Of course not. The LA Times and the media won't report anti-government anti-tax protests.
Arnolds five Propositions are going DOWN.
I've told you why the Republican Party is what it is. The want to be Democrat Lite! They fall for the BS peope like Colin Powell and David Brooks promote, nominate liberal RINO's and their base stays away in droves. They are DISGUSTED with their move to the LEFT.
Why do you think the media keep saying the Republican Party is to far RIGHT? It's a JOKE!
A true conservative comes on the scene and the media goes into overdrive to DESTROY him or her.
Mika said so!!!!!
The brown shirts are everywhere, Mike. ACORN. The media. Paid volunteers.
ACORN is being put in charge of the 2010 census!
It's Socialism/Fascism Mike!
Nothing Obama has done will help this economy. It's all designed to grow Government.
No one knew anything about him before and most people have no clue what's going on now. I KNOW! I ask people every week! They are CLUELESS and Obama knows it. As do Axelrod, Emanuel, et al.
Re: Where is the smoke to that fire?tniassaintMay 17 2009, 02:50:18 UTC
Wow - don't think I have EVER heard anyone call anything about Collin Powell "BS".
ACORN... I am supposed to be afraid of ... ACORN. What a laugh.
Makes me want to plant a few acorns - except I am allergic to Oak.
People like to sling out those words - Socialist and Fascist... they're noise. It's a bit of reactionary name calling. They're wrong. They don't frighten any except the weak minded. When the left does it it is all lies and propaganda - but it's honest, fair and true when it comes from the right.
Know what I fear... I fear ANY circumstance that allows the members of the fortune 500 to develop a cozy relationship with the regulatory bodies and government and ANY suggestion that they have the ability or integrity to police themselves.
So - let's see... in six months when the country has not gone down the tubes, will you repent?
Re: Where is the smoke to that fire?metaphorsbwithuMay 17 2009, 03:20:55 UTC
Colin Powell has always been a RINO. How anyone who claims to be a conservative could back a radical leftist with a straight face is beyond me.
Powel's assertions that the Republican Party is TOO FAR TO THE RIGHT is laughable. They NOMINATED a liberal RINO in McCain and look what it got them. They appealed to Hispanics, single women, blacks, promised more big government and handouts and they ran to the real deal ... the liberal Democrats.
Millions of real conservatives stayed home and more would have had not Palin come upon the scene.
We've gone over the definition of fascism for well over a year, Mike. I called it what it is, what Obama would do way back then. I was right.
Had Obama run on a platform saying he would take over banks, GM, Chrysler, turn over a majority ownership to the UAW, dictate what financial institutions could pay, spend TRILLIONS in money we don't have, send ACORN to harass private citizens, tell states how to pay their employees, end minority assistance to students to attend good schools in Washington D.C., hire lobbyists and tax cheats, apologize all over the world for America's arrogance and greed, etc. - how many people do you think would have voted for him?
Re: Where is the smoke to that fire?tniassaintMay 17 2009, 03:27:49 UTC
And yet the signs of a slow recovery are already starting to show.
Yes - total disaster.
Let's see... complete loss of companies, jobs, infrastructure, economic stability... or short term government interference in industries that were already showing they could not run or manage themselves...
Re: Where is the smoke to that fire?metaphorsbwithuMay 17 2009, 03:40:13 UTC
The private sector is not without fault, but the major responsibility of their failures rests on the shoulders of out-of-control liberal government interference.
So far the vast majority of stimulus spending has gone to paying unemployment benefits, medicaid, and hiring more federal employees.
It'd be surprising if there was not some short-term improvement in the economy with the spending of hundreds of billions of dollars (even if it is funny money) but the private sector is still shrinking (in fear) and the economic future under Democrat control is truly frightening to contemplate.
Look at Europe and the UK now. That's where we're heading.
That's what happens when you elect a radical leftist ideologue - even though he masquerades as a "centrist".
And one who thinks the Constitution is an obstacle to be overcome - or ignored.
But ... terrorists are not lawful combatants.
Yes, Mike, we know. There are absolutely no circumstances that would cause you libs to justify putting a wet towel over a mass murderer's face and dripping water into his nose for 5-20 seconds.
Should I ever find myself on the top of a skyscraper with the skin blistering off my back and my shoes melting to the floor, preparing to leap to my death, I'll take great comfort in knowing the planner of that horror is getting his three squares a day and enjoying each and every right he has coming according to our Constitution.
Incidentally, Nancy Pelosi and all those other Dems who CLAIMED George Bush was a criminal gave their approval to his "alleged" criminal behavior.
Please give me those other links to the top-secret CIA memos and letterheads you spoke of.
Btw, it's so funny that this administration's trampling all over the Constitution in taking over private companies, firing people in the private sector, limiting compensation and commissions, threatening people and institutions with retribution, trying to restrict free speech, breaking legal contracts, awarding unions majority shares of companies while stiffing guaranteed bondholders, and on and on bothers you not.
It's fascism Mike, and I called it a year and a half ago ... told you it was coming. Remember?
First you denied it and now you endorse it. That's what libs do. *LOL*
You need to read up on the description of the torture technique, what it really is and what it accomplishes. It is flat out torture. If it was done to one of our guys over seas we would file war crimes and have some one's head on a stake. What a double standard.
NO ONE has ever suggested in any way that these actions - the attacks on the WTCs or any similar attack - in any way equates to the actions of the US torture. It is a bogus ploy. Also - no one EVER got information of such an attack THAT COULD NOT BE HAD ANY OTHER WAY. In FACT the CIA has stated that in order for the information to be considered factual it had to be corroborated by some other source. Hmmmm... so another way... like not by torture.
Also in fact - torture will gain you the BARE MINIMUM of information that the victim believes he / she can get away with giving. Psyc 101. Interesting that even the CIA has admitted that. Other methods have proven over and over again to be far more effective. The CIA has admitted that as well.
No ticking time bomb sort of scenario has ever been resolved successfully due to torture... ever... in all of documented history. No I haven't read all of documented history - and neither have you. But the researchers I have been reading, watching and listening to who ARE experts on the psychology and have been through much of the media have indicated that they have never been able to find ONE SINGLE CASE where that sort of urgent situation has ever actually existed.
So you have now indicated that you DO limit your respect for the Constitution? You admit to situational and relative morality? Seems clear you have.
Proove that Nancy Pelosi is lying - that her brief was in fact through. Show that her comment that they told her that there were techniques IN USE or TO BE USED, contrary to her claim that they were saying that the methods were simply legal or COULD be used.
Do I think she has shown a marked lack of spine in standing up for her beliefs? Hell yes. At the least she did not do her obligatory homework - at the worse she has simply lied... no worse then Junior and company did for 8 bloody years.
Go search the library of Congress yourself. I am not a "professional" in that field. I do not have time to waste on such a thing. It is a silly and pointless argument. You know it, too.
Compare that to Japanese filling a GI's stomach full of salt water and then jumping on his stomach or stopping up his nose and forcing him to swallow water until he suffocated.
You say it was "flat-out torture". Flat out torture, to me, is what the Vietnamese did to John McCain ... for fun. And he still shows the effect to this day.
There's no arguing with anyone who refuses to accept the fact that breaking a rule to save thousands is NEVER preferable to allowing those thousands to die a horrible death.
I accept your position. I disagree with it.
Situational morality? What morality is it to know a catastrophe is coming and to sit idly by so as not to offend some ironclad adherence to some regulation. It would have been immoral to allow thousands die in Los Angeles (as the CIA confirmed was being planned and was broken up due to information obtained).
Everyone who has heard Pelosi's explanations know she was lying. She went from she was never informed about any enhanced interrogation techniques to she knew but couldn't do anything about it. *LOL*
Funny you were so adamant about Scooter Libby's "lie" based on the testimony of a nervous and stuttering news pundit.
You were the one who said you could find all those letterheads, Mike. Not me. I did look ... unsuccessfully.
Everyone, included you, believed Valerie Plame although her e-mails and the testimony of others showed she did lie, but suddenly you want us to believe that the CIA is lying and Nancy Pelosi is telling the truth.
Even Clinton hack Leon Panetta can't cover for her on that whopper! :-D
The entire Democrat Party is being shown to be liars and partisans of the worst kind ... sacrificing national security for the accumulating of more power.
Nice guys!
By the time these guys were being handled in GITMO it is a real stretch to assume that any of what they knew would be current. It simply isn't reality.
My issue is that we are not sure if the CIA or Pelosi are telling the truth. Innocent till proven guilty is the law of my land. No one has actually proven she has lied. Her answer is plausible - even if it shows her incompetence and questionable judgment - not to mention a weak sense of values. Libby was actually convicted - found guilty and convicted. His conviction wasn't pardoned or overturned. He was released by Junior as a bone to his "dogsbodies". Pelosi came off BAD in the interviews and public statements. She usually does. She is a terrible speaker.
I would like nothing more than the gutting of BOTH parties.
The RNC is doing a good job of gutting themselves. One of their people was on the radio this week talking about how the party is fractured. They have suffered badly at the hands of the religious right they pandered to and allowed to hijack the party. They got mired in various corruptions that they cannot seem to get around (like the democrats seem to - but no - several of them have had their problems as well). they are without an obvious front runner. They are disorganized and appear like an angry mob of hateful farmers waving pitchforks with unpopular messages and voicing support for the very people that most of the country blames for creating the current mess.
Maybe it's time for the Whigs to come back.
The US government through its tax code and commercial enforcement has the authority to do all sorts of things along these lines. They have taken control of businesses as needed in the past as well. The argument is weak.
Where is free speech restricted? How have you been stifled? You used such arguments on me with regards to the Patriot Act. Where is it?
Giving the Union control of the business... well maybe they will do a better job than the former managers did. The details of the deal will be out and we can see what the reasoning is. None of this Rush Limbaugh-esque sound bite and Ultra right wing noise. It isn't working. It is so far from Fascism as to make me ponder if you are even aware of the meaning.
Do I think there have been mistakes - yes. Do I agree with everything BHO has done - no. Do I think that just because they don't do as I think is right they are 1 criminal - no. 2 stupid - no. 3 catastrophic - no.
and neither do the markets, the public opinion or the international community --- so far.
I don't like the Fed or any other government agency to be in charge of any private industry and more than is necessary to maintain the economy and national security. Government Regulations are meant to maintain safety on many levels. They can get out of hand - and they should be kept in check - but the EXACT SAME can be said for business - and I have been saying for YEARS that the sort of business models that we use for the economy and corporate America was UNSUSTAINABLE and ILLOGICAL. Again I am shown to be right - and the economists keep coming out to say so. We all have our psychic abilities I suppose.
I see nothing but spin in these so called predictions. When I do I will be sure to acknowledge them.
Oppression is everywhere - everyone is so downtrodden and depressed. The end is near, build a bomb shelter! Where are the jackbooted thugs?
It sounds a bit frantic to me.
Or tell states they can't cut wages on state employees. The list is almost endless.
This is silly to go on, Mike. You railed about all these alleged exercises of executive power during the last administration (all vague and unsubstantiated) and you cannot see that what Obama has been doing over the last three months is the biggest power grab on the history of the world.
You called my predictions "spin" last year and they are all coming to pass. Of course you're probably not hearing about them on your favorite news stations.
You know ... the ones that SLOBBER all over Barack Obama ... the ones who cheer when he walks into the room.
Did you know that not one White House reporter (except FOX) asked Robert Gibbs about Nancy Pelosi today ... and Gibbs dismissed the question.
No wonder you don't know what's happening!
But I spin! Now, that's the thing that's really hilarious. :-D
Of course... what Constitutional Grounds allows for torture, or the violation of international agreements and treaties?
None of this means much to any of them, my friend. They will do and get away with anything they think they can. All of them.
All substantiated you mean - and more and more of it is substantiated as documents are released. I will love the next 8 years.
Karl Rove engineer the biggest power grab in history. He and Cheney played a much bigger hand and a much bigger gamble than anything the Dems have attempted here. Frankly, I HOPE that they can find document that provide incrimination for Rove, Cheney and the rest of that mob. I do not necessarily want to see them prosecuted - but the vindication of all the people that spoke out against them, and the embarrassment of knowing they were ratted out would be enough to make me happy. BHO will not do it. There are unspoken rules that you do not out your predecessor in the WH. I do not believe that BHO will actually do it. And if he does the risk is it will happen to him in return.
There is no honesty in DC - except the Smithsonian. I love that place. I miss it more than almost anything else in my life.
When the powers created by this administration and the Federal Government conflict with individual rights and States Rights as enumerated in the Tenth Amendment, that is a real power grab.
But Obama is already on record saying the Constitution is "flawed", remember? That it has too many restrictions on what the government can do.
I pointed that out during the campaign.
You and the libs would have us become a banana republic, going on fishing expeditions and prosecuting or embarrassing the previous administration for political gain.
All the while, when REAL crimes and misdemeanors are occurring, you are the chief apologists ... along with your adoring media.
President Bush didn't say one thing about the Clinton administration, either to place blame or to score political points. This is where class gets you when it comes to dealing with this Democrat Party.
The members of Congress - both parties - have fostered this "attack politics" culture as far back as anyone can remember. To suggest some bizarre virtuous counter reality where all the Republicans are saints of some sort is just being out of touch with the reality most of us call life.
When a voice constantly attacks every niggling detail of any side and is unable to show the faults or failings - or dishonesty of the other side - when you cannot even make an attempt to show the things that another point of view offers - even when that view is successful or even morally, ethically or functionally correct - you lose PILES credibility.
So what is this horrid power grab? Spell it out. I am just not seeing it any more than that made by any other administration. All I hear is conservatives complaining about their side losing the election, the other guy is a novice and can't do anything right and no one will listen and things are not as good as they seem even though our last guy screwed up - and we only dislike him till someone else complains about him and then he is a real saint!
Me - I am LOVING all the wrangling going on. It's great political drama. I really have been watching out for the oppression. I even polished up the lenses of my binoculars so I can see it a long way off.
My credibility comes from my information and analyses being accurate and my predictions coming to pass.
Libs ALWAYS want to shut up the other side.
The mainstream media covered up the Pelosi story for weeks until the reported on her denial, then basically ignored all the evidence that showed she was lying. Panetta's statement. Peter Goss' statements.
Who has no credibility?
I don't have to spell out the power grab, Mike. A blind man can see it. My God! Are you serious? I can't keep up with the outrages.
Remember the ads scaring people that John McCain wanted to tax their insurance benefits? Guess what the Dictator is considering doing?
The problem is that most people get a sanitized version of the "news" and dismiss everything else because the media presents everything else as hate speech.
The 52.7% of the voters did not vote for this Mike. Although you never could explain what you liked about Obama, the best I can come up with is that his promise of federal spending cuts, tax hikes on "the rich", and his "health plan" gave him a "slight edge" over McCain. *LOL* They were so close, huh! :-D
I told you he was a "stealth" socialist/fascist and I was right. If "the people" wanted that, why did they try so hard to hide it?
The Dems got a whopping 52.7% of the vote because Obama was the American Idol president, thought he was a centrist, and McCain was set up for failure.
Oh, another prediction of mine just came through as the co-director of McCain's campaign, John Huntsman, is joining the Obama team as ambassador to China. *LOL*
I have repeated over and over and over that I did not vote for BHO because I liked him (although I am liking him more every week). I voted for him because I liked McCain LESS. I went point by point through the ENTIRE collection of bullet points in the election platforms of BOTH candidates and when I compared the results regarding "pros / cons / and did not matters" I came up about 53% BHO, 47% McCain - odd how close that was to the actual vote count. I guess that makes me a centrist. I think I have been pretty clear on why I favored (note that is a different term than "liked") BHO and you just won't hear it. I have even made it clear that Mc took the fall out of people not liking the policies of Junior and company. While he tried to distance himself from it, he couldn't convince people of it. Tough nuts to the Republican crowd. Hope they can find a unified and organized voice by next time round. Hope they figure out how to play the media. They're kinda looking like they are going to ground for now - except Dicky boy and his droning media noisemakers that cannot reach out to anyone except the core of the Far Religious Right Gone Nut crowd.
I know you think a lot of the so called prediction. So far they are no more earth shattering than if I said I was going to wake up and breath in some air tomorrow. I think it is safe to say I will.
Again... no fantastic power grab - no jack boots - no stifled speech - there are plenty on the right that have said he is doing an ok job. They are the more rational and even spirited ones. The world has not gone up in flames and people outside the US actually seem to have some respect for us and our POTUS for a change.
So tell me... really ... what kind of bar do you set for this guy? What could he do, besides become a different person, that would prove to you he is not the disaster you think he is.
The economy recovers? You won't give him credit. People get access to health care and the country doesn't descend into Socialist hell of the Soviet era - you'd find a way to pick it apart. Ends the war on positive terms in Af-Pak-Iraq. You would claim he surrendered and didn't win enough.
Congress - well - no one really LIKES them now do they. Even as BHO's numbers go up in the polls (I am a member of several polling organizations groups now btw) the Congress is still tanking and it is universal on both sides of the aisle.
so why do the MAJORITY of the US population think that this is all nonsense and noise and rhetoric? Why is it that something like 2/3rds of all Americans identify themselves as Democratic? ...and why is it that the Right just doesn't seem smart enough or capable enough to actually pull themselves up and find a voice and a mainstream audience and SOUND CREDIBLE?
Why do they sound and act so fearful and hateful? If they got it right they should be STORMING the Democratic base and tearing it down. They had control for so long and they lost it because people got sick of them.
Heard about the protests in California yet? Of course not. The LA Times and the media won't report anti-government anti-tax protests.
Arnolds five Propositions are going DOWN.
I've told you why the Republican Party is what it is. The want to be Democrat Lite! They fall for the BS peope like Colin Powell and David Brooks promote, nominate liberal RINO's and their base stays away in droves. They are DISGUSTED with their move to the LEFT.
Why do you think the media keep saying the Republican Party is to far RIGHT? It's a JOKE!
A true conservative comes on the scene and the media goes into overdrive to DESTROY him or her.
Mika said so!!!!!
The brown shirts are everywhere, Mike. ACORN. The media. Paid volunteers.
ACORN is being put in charge of the 2010 census!
It's Socialism/Fascism Mike!
Nothing Obama has done will help this economy. It's all designed to grow Government.
No one knew anything about him before and most people have no clue what's going on now. I KNOW! I ask people every week! They are CLUELESS and Obama knows it. As do Axelrod, Emanuel, et al.
Wake up, boy! *LOL*
ACORN... I am supposed to be afraid of ... ACORN. What a laugh.
Makes me want to plant a few acorns - except I am allergic to Oak.
People like to sling out those words - Socialist and Fascist... they're noise. It's a bit of reactionary name calling. They're wrong. They don't frighten any except the weak minded. When the left does it it is all lies and propaganda - but it's honest, fair and true when it comes from the right.
Know what I fear... I fear ANY circumstance that allows the members of the fortune 500 to develop a cozy relationship with the regulatory bodies and government and ANY suggestion that they have the ability or integrity to police themselves.
So - let's see... in six months when the country has not gone down the tubes, will you repent?
Powel's assertions that the Republican Party is TOO FAR TO THE RIGHT is laughable. They NOMINATED a liberal RINO in McCain and look what it got them. They appealed to Hispanics, single women, blacks, promised more big government and handouts and they ran to the real deal ... the liberal Democrats.
Millions of real conservatives stayed home and more would have had not Palin come upon the scene.
We've gone over the definition of fascism for well over a year, Mike. I called it what it is, what Obama would do way back then. I was right.
Had Obama run on a platform saying he would take over banks, GM, Chrysler, turn over a majority ownership to the UAW, dictate what financial institutions could pay, spend TRILLIONS in money we don't have, send ACORN to harass private citizens, tell states how to pay their employees, end minority assistance to students to attend good schools in Washington D.C., hire lobbyists and tax cheats, apologize all over the world for America's arrogance and greed, etc. - how many people do you think would have voted for him?
Yes - total disaster.
Let's see... complete loss of companies, jobs, infrastructure, economic stability... or short term government interference in industries that were already showing they could not run or manage themselves...
yup... big disaster both ways I suppose.
So far the vast majority of stimulus spending has gone to paying unemployment benefits, medicaid, and hiring more federal employees.
It'd be surprising if there was not some short-term improvement in the economy with the spending of hundreds of billions of dollars (even if it is funny money) but the private sector is still shrinking (in fear) and the economic future under Democrat control is truly frightening to contemplate.
Look at Europe and the UK now. That's where we're heading.
That's what happens when you elect a radical leftist ideologue - even though he masquerades as a "centrist".
And one who thinks the Constitution is an obstacle to be overcome - or ignored.
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