now that it's over, the media is suddenly interested in bill ayers

Nov 14, 2008 10:11

Rock bottom doesn't allow for much wiggling room.

The man who killed Robert Kennedy was a hero of this Marxist and ABC allows him to hawk
his propaganda ... but only after the election is over.

These people are beyond the pale.

After being a news junkie since college and devouring news from a variety of sources, I have finally given up on the propaganda mills like ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, NPR, et al.

I hope many others, especially those who crave actual news and not agenda, do the same.

I see Bill Ayers, the flag-stomping, self-described Marxist and former domestic terrorist who now bows at the altar of dictators like Hugo Chavez and wants to use education to destroy capitalism and advance the left wing's revolutionary agenda, is also a closet capitalist himself.

The media is suddenly interested in what this piece of work has to say now that they've kept him under wraps long enough to get The One elected.

Marxists, you see, have no problem in their accumulating wealth as long as they can control and redistribute yours.

I've read enough about what this man stands for; I don't have to hear his revisionist history and propaganda spread across the airwaves and print media anymore.

Apparently, Ayers has confirmed that Obama was LYING about his relationship with him, as so many of us were trying to get people to understand.

OBAMA LIED WHEN HE SAID HE BARELY KNEW BILL AYERS ... if you believe Bill Ayers ... as he did so many other times during the campaign.

But why beat a dead horse? The media didn't care. People didn't care. Bring up Ayers, Wright, Farrakhan, Rezko, Pfleger, and Rashidi and you were called a racist and worse.

Now the cockroaches are stirring and the media, with their ratings in the tank, are suddenly interested in doing their job.

Oh, and I read this morning that the ABC interviewer mentioned the Prairie Fire book awhile back and that one of the people it was dedicated to was the assassin of Robert Kennedy - Sirhan Sirhan.

His response? "I reject that."

Reject what? That he admired Sirhan then but doesn't now? That it is true? Sorry. I have a pic of the dedication.

Prairie Fire Dedication Page

Unfortunately, the interviewer didn't follow up.

I wonder what Caroline, Robert, Jr., Teddy, Maria, et al think about the "respected" professor from Chicago?

Shouldn't someone ask?

What a disgusting little man! How low the media has stooped! Can it sink any lower remains to be seen. Rock bottom dosn't allow much wiggling room indeed!

media, bill ayers

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