I'd rather be in Philadelphia. - W.C.Fields, when asked what he'd like engraved on his tombstone.
Now that’s TWO TV stations the Obama campaign has put on their ‘No Mas’ list! Obama's made his point. You just don’t dare ask these guys legitimate questions people have a right to know, as Chris May and Angela Russell of Philadelphia's CBS affiliate KYW-TV just discovered.
What a bunch of WHINERS these two are! WAHHH! Gimmie my ball! I’m going home! Imagine them negotiating with people like Hugo Chavez, Vladimir Putin, and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad ... without preconditions.
Remember last year when Obama had a press conference and complained to the reporters after eight questions? I don’t know that he’s had another real press conference since and lately he’s resorted to sending out the “Human Gaffe Machine” (Biden) to explain Obama isn’t really what he appears to be to so many people.
Watch Biden melt down for the second time in less than a week:
Click to view
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZT1y1io4vA Hey! It was Obama who said he wanted to “spread the wealth” and in a recently uncovered audio from a Chicago radio show indicated support for the belief that not only does he endorse redistribution of wealth, but believes the Constitution (which he’ll swear to support and defend) is "flawed". He said it restricts the government from doing so and believes the Supreme Court and Congress can do more to achieve that.
It gets better.
Chris May confronted Biden with the fact that Biden family members have been paid money from his campaign funds for campaign work done on his behalf (approximately $2 million) which Biden takes offense at.
Which VP candidate looks best under pressure now?
ANd what took these people so long to ask tough questions is my question? Kinda late in the game, no? Or do they want a few clips to show they were fair to both sides? Sarah Palin has endured stern, grim inquisitions, manufactured quotes, hypotheticals, pop quizzes on Constitutional Law, "comedy" skits portraying her husband as engaging in incest, as well as having been misquoted and her statements edited to appear to have said things she didn’t.
And today we hear that someone in California has hung a replica of Sarah Palin by a noose in front of his home in West Hollywood.
http://cbs2.com/local/Sarah.Palin.mannequin.2.849299.html Uh, I thought hanging a noose was supposed to be a hate crime, let alone around the neck of a Vice-Presidential candidate? But conservatives are supposed to be so mean and full of hate. Why don't the media go after liberal Democrats? Oh, yeah. I forgot.
Liberals are so sensitive. And the truth, you know, is relative.
Anyway, the end result is that a 35-year Washington D.C. veteran gets cranky when asked a simple straightforward question for the first time in weeks and two stations, KWY and WFTV, are punished by having any future interviews canceled by the Obama campaign.
This is what we have to look forward to should enough people not wake up before next Tuesday.