Two weeks left of the semester and I'm about ready to keel over. I graded for eight hours in a row tonight and I'm going to probably have to do the same tomorrow night. I'm teaching 3/4 time this semester, and for the first time that means three courses. I didn't handle it very well, even though I only ended up with about 10 more students than I normally have. I teach two sections of online business writing, which sucks my soul, and one section of business writing face-to-face twice a week. This is in addition to the two conferences I went to, and the prospectus I wrote, which I will be defending next week on the 10th.
I have vowed that if I fail, I will give up academia and move in with
moonlight69. My prospectus is more than a little ambitious, but I thought better to be overambitious than under, and I can always cut back if I need to. My worry is that I haven't demonstrated what exactly it is that I want to do. I just talked about what I want to do. But I thought that was what a prospectus was for--a defense of your awesomeness. I'm now petrified that I've got the genre all wrong and I'm going to get kicked out even though I only have three semesters left.
It's supposed to snow here next week, and I am hoping desperately that it's a lie, because I hate snow. Hate. Hate. Hate. Or rather, I hate Indiana drivers who cannot drive in the snow and think they can. I accept the fact that I come from a climate in which there was no need to learn how to drive in the snow because everyone went into hibernation when the first inch appeared on the ground and didn't come out again until spring (i.e. the Pacific Northwest). I know that I can't drive in the snow. Indiana drivers always think they can, and they can't.
In fandomy news, after I turned in my prospectus (on Thanksgiving of all fucking days), I went and hid in the first season of Stargate Atlantis for a little while because I was like, I haven't seen that show in FOREVER and I miss Rodney and John and their cranky, bitchy love. Which led to this:
Actual Conversation With the Roommate
Me: Man, I miss SGA. It's been what, like two years since it ended?
Roommate: ended in March.
Me: March of last year? Wow, that's so long ago.
Roommate:, it was this past March.
Me: ...
Me: ...well, it feels like it's been two years?
Apparently it feels like a very long time since I have been away from SGA! And tragedy of tragedies my roommate loaned seasons two and three to her father and I won't be able to watch them until after she gets back from Christmas.
Also! It is the time of year in which I send out my fandom-y Holiday cards. I.e. Holiday cards with my bad but hilarious photomanips on the cover. I am thinking of making Star Trek & Supernatural ones this year, so if you would like one, please comment. If I don't have your RL name & address we can exchange it later.
That is all!