Dec 04, 2009 21:12
Repost - refined - from last year.
Ricky's Christmas Facts
FACT 1: I hate Christmas carols, unless they are interesting, like the South Park or Tripod ones.
FACT 2: I dont give Christmas cards, and I dont expect to get any. They confuse me, because what do I do with them in January? Im not keeping them!* So don't give me them! Its a waste!
FACT 3: Somehow Ive never gotten into the whole Christmas-present-for-friends thing, aside from Secret Santa. So, if you're getting me one, and you want one back, make sure I know you're getting me one. Otherwise, Ill have to make it up to you at birthday-time.
FACT 4: Turkey still sucks. Gnocci still rules - and so do chicken schnitzels.
PS. If you want to give me a Christmas card, just make one as a comment to this post. Its permanent, and I can reply. Nice.
* unless they have The Hives on them. Or maybe Jack Black.