Meta Links (11/04/13 - 17/04/13)

Apr 17, 2013 21:04


If you want to give feedback, volunteer, link us to meta or ask a question, comment to the volunteers post, the Questions and Things post, the screened post, or PM/email.

General Fandom

Lifecycle of a Fandom: Part Three - Hiatus: Eleanor Musgrove (blog) - "A fandom in hiatus is extremely focused on little details they might have overlooked in the broad sweep of transmission, and eventually, left to their own devices for long enough, they may even become fixated on tiny fragments of fanon with no basis in their favourite obsession whatsoever. "

topic: fandom

Female characters and how skin cream really does smooth out women's wrinkles: legionseagle (DW) - "It's another example of that phenomenon where female characters are actually doing interesting and complicated and different things on screen, and somehow the points of difference all gets filtered out by the viewing public, and it's instead reduced to a known and familiar stereotype. "

character: female, fandom: doctor who, warning: spoilers

Sex & The City &The City: chiusse (blog) - "The point is that on some level his stories are actually a criticism of male sexuality, which is something that you will have to search high and low to find in the works of male fantasy writers. "

fandom: mieville, topic: sexuality, character: male, character: female

Science Fiction and the Philosophy of Love: Chris Gerwel (blog) - " The implication is that romance is antithetical to the cool stuff at the heart of a good story, namely the action, the fencing, the adventure."

genre: scifi, genre: romance

writing meta: story structure: sage (DW) - My argument here is that stories that start firmly rooted in a strong action plot need to end the same way. Ending with a romance-plot scene fails to provide a satisfying conclusion to the action plot, no matter how great the orgasms.""

topic: writing, topic: fanfic

On Naming OCs: chordatesrock (DW) - Essay on choosing names for OCs whilst staying in-keeping with canon's naming conventions.

topic: writing, topic: fanfic, topic: naming

Specific Fandoms

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Christos Gage's interview on Angel & Faith Issue 20 and why it doesn't fly for this Spike fan: tennyo-elf (LJ) - "Anyone following along knows I’m very against what the Buffy comics has turned into. A couple of weeks ago I was in a good place. I saw what they were doing with the Buffy character and knew I was done. I did my best to ignore the comics. However there still lingered a curiosity about what they planned for Spike."

fandom: btvs

In which I commit heresy: rahirah (LJ) - "So I'm going to commit heresy and say I don't hate Christos Gage's latest Q&A. I wish he'd gotten more of the stuff he says he meant into the actual text, but I don't have a lot of argument with what he's saying. "

fandom: btvs

Harry Potter

Character Love: hp_canon_love (LJ) - "The Harry Potter series is full of so many wonderful, rich, and layered characters. Even the supporting characters are interesting in their own ways; everyone seems to have a story to tell. Part of the reason we love the books is we have fallen in love with one or more of the characters."

fandom: harry potter

Game of Thrones

Meta Monday: Faith: justadram (tumblr) - "There are several religions in Westeros and even more beyond its shores. Therefore, religion will be revisited in Meta Monday, but today we will focus on the Faith of the Seven, its hierarchy, and orders in comparison with the medieval Church."

fandom: game of thrones, topic: religion

A Song of Ice and Fire

On Tyrion and whores: whoistorule (tumblr) - "I see a lot of Tyrion apologism in fandom at large, and it’s all kinds of gross. Tyrion is a rapist, a misogynist, and a murderer. There’s no problem with loving him, so long as you acknowledge these facts,"

fandom: asoiaf, topic: misogyny, topic: manpain, topic: sex work, warning: spoilers


[A]n Academic Fangirl Essay about Why Will Graham is an Important Character. : radiokunlun (tumblr) - "The full title would probably be something like: “Why Will Graham is an Important Character: A brief history of recent problems relating to the [non-]acknowledgement & portrayal of the autism spectrum on TV, with much enthusiasm for Hannibal’s approach to portraying neuroatypicality.”"

fandom: hannibal, topic: psychology, topic: autism

The Logic of Will Not Seeing Hannibal the Cannibal: joonscribble (tumblr) - "I’ve been reading some posts about people wondering how on earth Will, being such a good empath and all, cannot twig that Hannibal is completely crazy. Especially considering their last conversation in “Amuse-Bouche.” "

fandom: hannibal


“Going Deeper”: Dr. John Watson’s CV - what it tells us about him (…and how what it doesn’t say tells us nearly as much): prettyarbitary (tumblr) - "John’s CV turns out to say all kinds of interesting things to a (former) health professional. Discussion follows…"

fandom: sherlock, topic: medicine

Doctor Who

Cold meta: janie-aire (LJ) - "
So, in many ancient myths there's the motif of being swallowed by a giant monster -- a shark, a whale, what have you -- and how that experience becomes transformative for the hero of the tale."

fandom: doctor who

fandom:gameofthrones, topic:fandom, topic:psychology, fandom:hannibal, topic:writing, fandom:doctorwho, topic:religion, fandom:btvs, topic: sexuality, topic:fanfic, topic:discussion, warning:spoilers, fandom:harrypotter

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