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Volunteers Post. General Fandom
The Ragamuffin Speaks: Digital Comics Float Up the Amazon: Ian D Sharman (blog) - "I don’t believe for a second that the future of comics is digital only. There’ll always be a demand for print comics in one form or another. All that is changing is the method by which we buy them."
How people read non-con fic: sailorptah (DW) - "Had some thoughts about kinkfic recently, wanted to find out how common it was for other people to take their fic the same way."
topic:kink, topic:fanfic
Questionable: Positive and Negative Goals: Jennifer Crusie (blog) - "A positive goal forces the protagonist into action against the antagonist which moves the plot and leads to character change. A negative goal forces the protagonist to stay in one place and prevents her from changing while the plot stalls around her."
topic:writing, topic:plot
Modern Hollywood and the Ancient East: (blog) - "This is Hollywood. Hollywood doesn’t handle diversity with nuance. It ignores the diversity of Africa and views it as a black monolith (with the exception of a whitewashed Egypt), it doesn’t get distinctions such as Persian or Arab, and it encourages audiences to mentally blend South Asians and Middle Easterners in fantasy representations of barbarism and terrorism."
topic:movies, topic:race
Magical Mondays: Magic and Science: Lady Saika - Lady Geek Girl & Friends (blog) - "Even within science fiction, powers like telepathy are explained using science, and in fantasy, technology like long-distance communication or transport is the stuff of magic. And while there’s nothing wrong with that, I think that a society where magic and science exist in some sort of relationship with each other is much more interesting."
topic:magic, topic:science
Specific Fandoms
The 100
The 100 and the Privileged Dystopia: MadameAce - Lady Geek Girl & Friends (blog) - "The 100 takes place in a future dystopia...but that dystopia so far seems to have similar problems in its portrayal to something like The Hunger Games or Divergent. That is, it comes from a very privileged viewpoint of how dystopias actually work in terms of racism, heteronormativism, and rape culture."
fandom:the100, topic:dystopias, topic:race
A Song of Ice and Fire
The Mad King: stannisthefury (tumblr) - "Apparently he’s just vastly misunderstood"
fandom:asoiaf, topic:characterization
okay so I keep seeing people claiming that Cersei’s jealousy of Brienne is OOC and I am just baffled to be honest.
: trebuchettully (tumblr) - "Cersei is so jealous of Brienne. There is not a fibre of Cersei’s being that is not jealous of Brienne.
and that has nothing to do with Jaime.
fandom:asoiaf, topic:character
what do you think of aerys targaryen?: nobodysuspectsthebutterfly (tumblr) - "Aerys II Targaryen was not anyone’s goddamned woobie."
fandom:asoiaf, topic:character, warning:non-con
The Theme of Non-Violence in ASOIAF : joannalannister(tumblr) - "Because violence is a major theme in the books. Or, more accurately, the horrifying consequences of violence are a major theme."
fandom:asoiaf, topic:violence
hahaha : cordeliacassandra(tumblr) - "So in case you needed proof that Tumblr is not remotely representative of the world at large, here are some of the comments on the first page of this article which has been making its rounds."
fandom:asoiaf, topic:character, topic:feminism
The Similarities between the Borgias and the Lannisters : princessginasunspear(tumblr) - "Borgia and the Lannisters I find have many similarities when you compare each other."
Sansa and Jamie: yuyurana(tumblr) - "I already wrote about how both Sansa’s and Arya’s journeys are stories about loss of innocence"
fandom:asoiaf, topic:character
It’s a little tired, at this point, to comment on sexposition brothel scenes in the show.: feministfiction (blog) - " But it’s the first week back after almost a year away, so indulge me for a second."
fandom:asoiaf, topic:feminism
Captain America
I'm the tyranny of evil men: thingswithwings (DW) - "I've seen some posts talking about how Cap2 is a surprisingly on-point, modern, political critique ... And I've seen posts saying that Cap2 ... doesn't seem to put any blame on Shield, instead shifting the blame to Hydra"
fandom:mcu, topic:politics
MCU Phase II: hypertwink (DW) - "I was reading some people on my flist who theorized that Captain America: Winter Soldier is all about identity … When you think about it, all three Phase II movies are all about that:"
Captain Allegory: The Winter Obama: Chris Gavaler - Hooded Utilitarian (blog) - "Hollywood used to keep its political allegories in the subtext, especially when it comes to fanboy franchises with scifi premises and blockbuster budgets. It’s a smart policy. A little political subtext gives a mass consumer product a twist of relevancy while maintaining plausible deniability should some rightwing commentator accuse Hollywood of promoting a liberal agenda."
fandom:mcu, topic:politics
How do questions get answered in comics?: Frank Bramlett - Hooded Utilitarian (blog) - "Not all question/answer adjacency pairs are routine, though. In web comics, especially those that are meant to be funny, the question/answer adjacency pair is used to further the humor of the strip."
topic:writing, fandom:comics
Orphan Black
Oh, My Pop Culture Jesus: Orphan Black‘s Missed Opportunity for Faith-Based Redemption: syngraphea - Lady Geek Girl & Friends (blog) - "...Orphan Black follows the lives of several human clones, all born under mysterious circumstances and secretly monitored their whole lives for the sake of science-until they become aware and start fighting back. I loved the first season...but I think the religious extremist and antagonist, Helena, needs some deeper exploration."
fandom:orphanblack, warning:spoilers, topic:religion
Walt Kelly and Me: Brian Cremins - Hooded Utilitarian (blog) - "But any reading that hopes to place Kelly in historical context must take into account the tensions and fractures that exist in his body of work. Kelly is a significant cartoonist not because he was more progressive than other artists working in the 1940s but because he records for us the contradictions in his own thinking and practice."
fandom:comics, topic:race
BBC Sherlock
Dramatic Through-Lines and Narrative Spines: What Is the Central Concern? META: Tammany
(AO3) - "I had a chunk of last night and this morning to think about the structure and nature of how a story is told, and what your perception of the story does to your choices of through-lines"
Star Wars
The Potential Energy of Major Star Wars Events: Fangirl (blog) - "The question then becomes: Will ReedPOP, Disney, and Lucasfilm balance out the panels on these stages to be more reflective of their diverse fanbase?"
fandom:starwars, topic:diversity
Teen Wolf
Sexualized Saturdays: Magical Obligatory Queer Dating: polyglotpisces - Lady Geek Girl & Friends (blog) - "But then I started to think about a more pivotal question: why did they start dating in the first place? It led me to a theory I call Magical Obligatory Queer Dating. Let’s take a closer look."
fandom:teenwolf, topic:queer