Meta Links 3/13/2014 - 3/19/2014

Mar 19, 2014 21:02

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General Fandom

Fanfic Meta Question: wintergrey (tumblr) - "At what point (for you) does fanfic cross over into original? How far into AU does it need to go?"

topic:fandom, topic:fanfic

Fandom As a Very Old Thing: Eleanor Musgrove (blog) - "Young fans could be forgiven for thinking that fandom is a relatively new innovation, ushered in with the rise of networked computers and automated mailing lists, but that’s not the case at all."


Questionable: How Different is Collaboration from Single Author Writing?: Jennifer Crusie (blog) - "When you write by yourself, you can do anything you want, change things as you go along, writing out of chronological order, you own the world. When you collaborate with somebody, you give all of that up, but then so does he or she. So a good rule of thumb is not to collaborate unless you’re getting something really great in return."


Let Us Consider the Macguffin and The MacGuffin, Part Two: Why: Jennifer Crusie (blog) - "...a MacGuffin is a thing, a mechanical element, a concrete object to be acquired. So for the purposes of this discussion, let’s just say it’s “the thing everybody’s chasing.”"


Oh My Pop Culture Religion: Religious Purity: stinekey - Lady Geek Girl & Friends (blog) - "Snow White follows all of the “rules” for female purity, and still gets punished. On the other hand, the story of King Arthur thoroughly exploits the near-total ambiguity of male purity. "

topic:religion, topic:gender

Who Chooses SF Classics? Who Chooses Our Required Reading?: SL Huang (blog) - "The point I’m getting around to is, if you’ve been a SF fan as long as I have, you feel like you’ve at least tried all the “classics” (or you’re aware of your “blasphemy” in not having read them yet). "


Specific Fandoms

Lone Woolf and Cubs: Alan Moore, Postmodern Fiction, and Third-Wave Feminist Utopianism: Eric Berlatsky - Hooded Utilitarian (blog) - "To suggest that Moore’s increasing interest in sexuality is merely an excuse to get artist Kevin O’Neill to draw some dirty pictures for him is unfair, however, since the fascination with sexuality is clearly linked to an almost Romantic obsession with the liberating powers of the imagination."

fandom:comics, topic:sexuality

Disney and Dreamworks
Branding in Fandom: Moon and Mouse: Red Hamilton (blog) - "Competition is often perceived as something negative. The concept of rivalry is intuitively counterproductive to a particular idea of co-operation. "

fandom:disney, fandom:dreamworks

Rewriting Firefly: Sam Starbuck (blog) - "How would you have written [X] had it been your idea/task? For X, sub The Jungle, Firefly, Emma, etc. And why?"

fandom:firefly, topic:western

Magical Mondays: The Dragons of Inheritance Cycle and Deus ex Machinae: MadameAce - Lady Geek Girl & Friends (blog) - "But because I’m so under-read in this matter, it is hard to compare them to other dragons and actually say what Paolini did that makes his dragons unique and worth your time. Like all things in his books, he occasionally hints at creativity with his dragons, but ultimately their magic tends to only happen for plot purposes."

topic:dragons, fandom:eragon

Femslash Friday: Carmen Sandiego and Miss Scarlet: The Toast (blog) - "A sexy board game piece and the evil female Indiana Jones? Yeah, I’m on board. It’s like two Catwomans (Catwomen?) getting married: awesome."

famdom:gaming, topic:femslash

Sexualized Saturdays: Discussing Gender and Genre within Portal 2: brothadom - Lady Geek Girl & Friends (blog)"The game also plays with gender roles. Many video games paint women as lazily-written stereotypes, but to some extent, this game makes its male-coded characters (the AIs it introduces) the lazily-written stereotypes. "

fandom:gaming, topic:gender

Hannibal Season Two Meta: Reflections: longwhitecoats (DW) - "This began as a loose collection of observations and ended as a set of predictions about the course of the upcoming season. Here be major spoilers."

fandom:hannibal, warning:spoilers

Harry Potter
announcing: meta fest 2014: hp_canon_love (LJ) - "Prompting for Meta Fest will end tomorrow [20th] at midnight (EST). You have one more day to leave prompts!"


Pippi Longstocking
What would Pippi Longstocking Do?: Vivian Obarski - the Learned Fangirl (blog) - "But I still want to be Pippi Longstocking. I think I’ve always wanted to be her ever since I read the series of books by Astrid Lindgrin. "


when you don't know what you don't know.: princessofgeeks (DW) - "I was linked to this amazing discussion on fail_fandomanon community on Livejournal about all the alternate branching timelines in the Gateverse. Incredible food for thought."


Sherlock Holmes
A Study in domesticity : (blog) - Doyleockian "In the Canon Arthur Conan Doyle gave us very little insight into the domestic lives of Holmes or Watson. This was apparently based on a desire to avoid what he saw as irrelevance."


Star Wars
Fan Artistic Endeavors: Challenging The Fandom Perspective: Fangirl (blog) - "Like many other contexts, Star Wars fandom still carries a negative connotation to the label “fanfiction,” and it’s one that’s also heavily gendered. It’s time to address these biases directly - and a celebrity fanboy has given us the perfect opportunity."

topic:fanfic, fandom:starwars

Teen Wolf
Magical Mondays: Religion and World Building in Teen Wolf: Lady Geek Girl (blog) - "So in Teen Wolf we now have both Greek and Druidic religious beliefs being represented, but these beliefs are used simply as a way to explain how werewolves exist and how the emissaries like Jennifer Blake, Deaton, and Morrell have powers."

topic:religion, fandom:teenwolf

The Fall
Post for meta discussion of The Fall: elazakazone (DW) - "This is a post for meta discussion of The Fall. Please feel free to start a topic in the comments!"


Veronica Mars
Veronica Mars (2014): sabrina-il(LJ) - "Watching this movie I kept thinking "Why isn't this movie being discussed as a thriller/mystery with a female lead, as a successful movie (that is NOT in the YA genre and if anything borrows tropes from romantic comedies) starring a female detective."


topic:fandom, fandom:dreamworks, topic:dragons, topic:religion, fandom:stargate, topic:western, fandom:thefall, fandom:comics, fandom:firefly, fandom:disney, fandom:veronicamars, fandom:teenwolf, topic:sciencefiction, fandom:pippilongstocking, topic:sexuality, fandom:starwars, fandom:acdsherlock, topic:writing, fandom:hannibal, topic:femslash, topic:gender, topic:fanfic, fandom:gaming, fandom:eragon, fandom:harrypotter, warning:spoilers

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