Meta Links 1-9-14 through 1-15-14

Jan 15, 2014 20:08

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General Fandom

Fanart vs Original art: alias_sqbr (DW) - "So. The thing with original art is that the art world is SUPER WEIRD. "


How (not) to comment on fanfics: sholio (DW) - "So let's say you read a story, really enjoyed it, and want to tell the author how much you enjoyed it! What you DON'T want to do is make the author unhappy, angry, or dread your name popping up in their inbox."

topic:fandom, topic:fanfic, topic:feedback

Episode 289: The Dark Carnival of our Civil Rights: Peter Fenzel, Mark Lee, John Perich, and Matthew Wrather - Overthinging It (podcast) - "Peter Fenzel, Mark Lee, John Perich, and Matthew Wrather overthink the controversy over the FBI declaring juggalos a gang and the controversy of Shia Labeouf declaring blatant plagiarism art."


Romantic Friendship At Public Schools: naraht (DW) - "I would say it’s more accurate that the whole Wilde trial helped to define the emerging idea of homosexuality… but then it did come to include not only sodomy, but also aestheticism, green carnations, witty banter, velvet jackets, discussing Classics at Oxford etc etc."

topic:history, topic:gender, topic:homosexuality

January Talking Meme Days 9 & 11: rahirah (DW) - "Discuss your process (or challenges) for determining which events to put in the story, and which to leave out."


Specific Fandoms

A Song of Ice and Fire
Chapter-by-Chapter Analysis: Catelyn IX: racefortheironthrone (blog) - "the events of the chapter revolve around a political negotiation between Catelyn Stark and Walder Frey and the theme of the chapter revolves around the question of what kind of political learning Robb Stark has acquired and what use he’ll make of it. "

fandom:asoiaf, topic:politics

Chapter-by-Chapter Analysis: Eddard XV: racefortheironthrone (blog) - "Eddard XV may well be the best argument that Ned Stark’s plot-line in A Game of Thrones is essentially one long noir detective story. "

fandom:asoiaf, topic:noir

ARYA AND MONOMYTH (AKA THE HERO’S JOURNEY): donewithwoodenteeth (tumblr) - "It has been put forth by a few fans that Arya is a deconstruction of the typical fantasy hero’s journey. I decided to analyze it to see A) how well Arya follows the Hero’s journey, B) how much of it is deconstructed, and C) what this means."

fandom:asoiaf, topic:herosjourney

Untitled : faramircaptainofgondor (tumblr) - "because you just made the sansa-cersei-relationship gifset: what do you think is the relationship between the two like? "

fandom:asoiaf, topic:relationships

The Case for Dorne being Nonwhite: churayl (tumblr) - "In the case of Dorne, yes, Wales was definitely an influence, for all the reasons you cite. But there’s also some distinctly unWelsh elements down there."

fandom:asoiaf, topic:race

Jaime and Cersei Lannister: Love Addiction In Action: tafkarfanfic(tumblr) - "I have wondered for some time if the self-help book “Codependent No More,” which was popular at the time that A Game of Thrones was written, informed George R.R. Martin’s construction of Jaime and Cersei Lannister’s relationship."

fandom:asoiaf, topic:relationships

Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Femslash Friday: Buffy, Faith, and Slayer-on-Slayer Action: Lindsay King-Miller - The Toast (blog) - "Faith made way more sense than any other romantic pairing the show offered up for its perpetually-crossed-in-love heroine. Angel was stilted, Spike was overwrought, and when I try to remember Riley’s face, all I can see is the word “bland” written in Helvetica."

fandom:btvs, topic:femslash

January Talking Meme Day 14: rahirah (DW) - "If you could change any major arc on BTVS which one would it be and how would you change it?"

fandom:btvs, topic:canon

January Talking Meme Day 13: rahirah (DW) - "How about Xander's hypocrisy regarding Spike's attempted rape of Buffy, when hyena Xander tried exactly the same thing, made no attempt at apology, and lied about not remembering?"

fandom:btvs, topic:consent, topic:morality

January Talking Meme Day 12: rahirah (DW) - "Do you feel that Spike was one of a kind as vampires go, and do you feel he had real affection for Joyce and Dawn?"

fandom:btvs, topic:characterization

Superheroes and Feminism: Shaun Leonard (blog) - "Comic books, as much as (though often more than) any other medium, have been misrepresenting women in some form or another. "

fandom:comics, topic:feminism

Tips To Convert Marvel Comic & Cartoon Characters To The Marvel Cinematic Universe: (blog) - "Acknowledge the differences in the canon … Don’t retcon your character into places or positions it’s highly unlikely your character could have been in…"


I Am Disenchanted With Dracula: havocthecat (DW) - "You know, honestly, it's really bad when a show is making me root for lesbians dying, because it's less painful to watch."

fandom:dracula, topic:feminism, topic:femslash

Game of Thrones
‘Game Of Thrones’ Fourth Season Takes On The Burdens Of Leadership: Alyssa Rosenberg - ThinkProgress (blog) - "In Westeros, because it’s a hereditary monarchy, and because a war is slowly decimating the ranks of adult leadership, many of the people who are rising to power are very young, flush with optimism and faith in their own abilities and judgement that hasn’t been tempered by experience."


How I Met Your Mother
Femslash Friday: How I Met Your Mother: Molly Shalgos - The Toast (blog) - "Lily’s bisexuality is handled in a cool, subversive way that you wouldn’t normally expect from a gentle CBS Monday night sitcom. It’s never been explicitly articulated, but it’s more than just a long-running gag. Her husband is aware of it, unthreatened by it, and it’s generally unremarked upon by the rest of the characters. "

fandom:himym, topic:sexuality, topic:queer

James Bond, Doctor Who
Who. Doctor Who.: Angela Jorgensen - Overthinking It (blog) - "James Bond and Doctor Who are two long-running franchises that share several traits. They are franchises built around a male protagonist who is portrayed by many different actors without restarting the continuity every time the role is recast."

fandom:jamesbond, fandom:doctorwho,

Whatever Happened to Hyuna?: Raizel Liebler - The Learned Fangirl (blog) - "If you’ve seen Psy’s “Gangnam Style”, then you’ve seen Hyuna - she’s the featured redhead in the video. Therefore, she is the most recognizable Kpop star for Western audiences that have no previous experience with Korean music."

fandom:kpop, topic:gender

Legend of Zelda
Zelda and Philosophy: Fate and Free Will: Asa (blog) - "Do we have a choice in where life takes us, or is every chapter of our lives mapped out, fated to follow one singular path despite our feelings of our own freedom?"


What Happened While Link was Asleep?: Brenda (blog) - "there is a third section of time which is often overlooked: those seven consequential years of Link’s sleep, during which the land of Hyrule was revolutionized."


Marvel Comics (X-men)
What If the X-Men Were Black?: Orion Martin (blog) - "Imagine a work of fiction that focuses on the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s except that in this work, white men have replaced all of the people of color. "

fandom:marvelcomics, topic:race

Who Gets To Be A Superhero? Race And Identity In Comics: Gene Demby (blog) - "its central premise … has functioned as a sci-fi allegory for everything from the civil rights movement to the AIDS crisis."

fandom:marvelcomics, topic:race

Marvel Comics Cinematic Universe (Ant-Man)
Marvel Confirms Michael Douglas is Hank Pym; Where Does This Leave the Wasp?: - The Mary Sue (blog) - "I already felt safe in assuming that [...] Janet would probably appear as a secondary character without superpowers but in a position to ascend to secondary lead status in a second movie. Just like War Machine, Rescue, Black Widow, Winter Soldier, Carol Ferris… I could go on."


Marvel Comics Cinematic Universe (Thor), DC Cinematic Universe (Superman)
Welcome to 2014: Thor > Superman: Fangirl (blog) - "Man of Steel, on the other hand, left me numb. By comparison Thor: The Dark World made me care about its heroes and heroines, and even its anti-hero."

fandom:mccu, fandom:dccu

ACD Sherlock Holmes
Great News: Now Anyone Can Write and Publish a Sherlock Holmes Story: Noah Berlatsky - The Atlantic (blog) - "Reinterpreting a literary classic doesn't reduce its characters to "cardboard cutouts," as Doyle's estate has insisted-it informs, critiques, and expands upon the original work and its themes."

fandom:acdsherlock, topic:copyright

BBC Sherlock
Dramatic Through-Lines and Narrative Spines: What Is the Central Concern? META: Tammany (AO3) - "a lit-crit essay focusing on *Sherlock*, and using Dorothy Sayers and Agatha Christie as paradigmatic examples of two different approaches to the development of narrative spines and through-lines."

topic:narrative, fandom:bbcsherlock, fandom:dorothysayers, fandom:agathachristie

Untitled: wingsoutstretched (tumblr) - "at that moment her story - and her redemption - is lifted out of her hands and placed into the hands of the men around her, and she never gets it back"

fandom:bbcsherlock, warning:spoilers

The Empty Hearse - Holmes Brothers a Psychoanalysis: wellingtongoose (tumblr) - "I analyse the new details we have been given and explain how Mycroft and Sherlock developed into the characters we see, why their relationship is so difficult and yet filled with such deep emotion."

fandom:bbcsherlock, warning:spoilers

Why The Holmes Parents are Perfect for Sherlock: wellingtongoose (tumblr) - "if one looks at them from an impartial perspective Sherlock’s parents are surprisingly right, in every sense of the word."

fandom:bbcsherlock, warning:spoilers

Mary and Irene: violethuntress (tumblr) - "It should come as no surprise that in two episodes centred on women that Moffat wrote, there will be some parallels. "

fandom:bbcsherlock, warning:spoilers

Untitled: acafanmom (tumblr) - "yes, fine, she gave it up for Mycroft and Sherlock, that is admirable and brave and I respect it. So show us that. "

fandom:bbcsherlock, warning:spoilers

Why the end of HLV bothers me. Sherlock spoilers.: prettyarbitrary (tumblr) - "Truthfully, I am a bit incandescently pissed about the decision the writers made here. That is just too much self-sacrificial Sherlock. "

fandom:bbcsherlock, warning:spoilers

The East Wind: anarmydoctor (tumblr) - "My thoughts on His Last Vow, John’s addiction, Sherlock’s pressure points, handshakes and changing times."

fandom:bbcsherlock, warning:spoilers

Sleepy Hollow
Sleepy Hollow:getting diversity right: David Menzies (blog) - "Sleepy Hollow is ahead of its US network peers when it comes to diversity "

fandom:sleepyhollow, topic:diversity

Terminator, Her
Her-minator: How Skynet and Samantha Negotiate Individuality, Collectivism, and the Human Condition: Mark Lee - Overthinking It (blog) - "Samantha loves; Skynet kills. Obvi. But when we dig a little deeper and compare these two AIs, there are a lot more interesting things to say about their differences, particularly with how they deal with individuality versus collectivism, and even their similarities."

fandom:terminator, fandom:her, topic:relationships

AN EXPLORATION OF THE EVOLUTION OF TENGWAR AND HOW IT RELATES TO THE EVOLUTION OF REAL LIFE WRITING SYSTEMS: starksnark (tumblr) - " I looked at the evolution of Tengwar, as it is experienced by the characters in Tolkien’s world, and how that compares to the evolution of real life writing systems."

fandom:jrrtolkien, topic:language

topic:plagiarism, topic:characterization, topic:homosexuality, fandom:dorothysayers, topic:narrative, fandom:agathachristie, topic:canon, topic:relationships, topic:herosjourney, topic:diversity, topic:feedback, fandom:himym, topic:noir, fandom:her, fandom:acdsherlock, topic:queer, topic:consent, fandom:marvelcomics, topic:writing, fandom:mccu, fandom:asoiaf, fandom:sleepyhollow, topic:morality, topic:fanfic, warning:spoilers, topic:copyright, fandom:gameofthrones, topic:fandom, fandom:kpop, fandom:doctorwho, fandom:comics, fandom:bbcsherlock, fandom:jamesbond, topic:language, topic:fanart, topic:sexuality, fandom:jrrtolkien, topic:history, topic:feminism, fandom:btvs, topic:gender, fandom:terminator, fandom:legendofzelda, fandom:dccu

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