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Volunteers Post. General Fandom
Some Issues With Asexuality in Fanfic: chess-ka (tumblr) - "What follows is how I feel about how asexuality has been represented in the fics I have read based on my own experience of my asexuality. Your thoughts and experiences will, probably, vary a great deal."
Just who has the black and white world view here? Or: rexamining fannish vocabulary: selenak (DW) - "I came across about the comment that "Regina has been remarkable patient with Snow", complete with somewhat later a comment about "The Charmings' black-and-white morality". Now, other than immediately thinking "you have that backwards, Ma'am, on both counts"..."
Fan is a Tool-Using Animal: Maciej Cegłowski (podcast) - "What happens when you build a nice website, and a real community shows up that doesn’t meet your expectations?"
Alphas, Betas, Omegas: A Primer: norabombay
(AO3) - "A brief primer on the concept of Alpha/Beta/Omega Universes: Also known as that trope suddenly showing up in your fandom that doesn't make any sense."
Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie (is amazing) and Hard Science Fiction: chiusse (blog) - "What I’m getting at is that the softer sciences can be “Hard” as well, and it’s pretty rare, as far as I know, to see Clarke or Asimov tackle something like semiotics or linguistics, just as Le Guin’s Hainish novels are light-years more nuanced anthropologically than the Foundation series."
topic:sciencefiction, topic:linguistics
Marvel Was Happy to Answer Diversity Questions at NYCC. DC Was Not.: Emily Asher-Perrin - (blog) - "People cared. They wanted answers, too. One wanted to know why Cyborg seemed like an afterthought in the Justice League, another was curious as to why Wonder Woman’s trousers and awesome leather jacket had been nixed in the New 52. "
fandom:mcu, fandom:dcu, topic:diversity
Amber Scott’s Sword of Burning Gold: Inclusion in an Incursion: Quinnae - The Border House (blog) - "Behind the slur lies the idea that such people do not exist-that one might be a lesbian, or trans, or biracial, but surely not all at once; that is merely a fantasy of leftist diversity maniacs, after all."
fandom:gaming, topic:diversity
NYCC Panel Recap; Geeks Of Color Assemble!: Minorities in Fandom: Jemisin notes that the current generation of children is the first to grow up with a prominent Black superhero in the majority of DC media: Green Lantern John Stewart. She also mentions that groups like Black Girls Code are helping to change the face of the technical side of geekiness. - Racialicious (blog) - "Jemisin notes that the current generation of children is the first to grow up with a prominent Black superhero in the majority of DC media: Green Lantern John Stewart. She also mentions that groups like Black Girls Code are helping to change the face of the technical side of geekiness."
topic:race, topic:fandom
Specific Fandoms
Doctor Who
The Changing Style of Doctor Who III: Stretching the Envelope: daniel_saunders (LJ) - "Continuing my examination of stylistic change in Doctor Who."
Game of Thrones
Meta Monday: You Bastards: justadram (tumblr) - "Today’s topic is bastardy. Bastards in Westeros have it pretty bad. "
Game of Thrones is Totally Feminist, You Guys: chiusse (blog) - "The idea that a teenaged commoner like Joan might participate in medieval warfare-even command armies herself-on the strength of nothing but her own personality, charisma and intelligence is one that Martin apparently thought too unrealistic to entertain."
fandom:gameofthrones, topic:feminism
The Women Of ‘Game Of Thrones’ Aren’t Competing Models, Just Different Ways Of Fighting Sexism: Alyssa Rosenberg - ThinkProgress (blog) - "But the choices are never as simple as an embrace of femininity v. a rebellious rejection of it. Cersei Lannister rises considerably in the leadership of the Seven Kingdoms on the strength of her intellect and her ruthlessness before she’s surpassed by another woman, Margaery Tyrell."
fandom:gameofthrones, topic:feminism
Jak and Daxter/Legend Of Zelda
Why this post is not a fanfic: chordatesrock (DW) - "I’m just not happy with my attempt to write all this in fic form."
fandom:jakanddaxter, fandom:legendofzelda, topic:fanfic
Orphan Black
Orphan Black and the Paradox of Self-Ownership: John Perich- Overthinking It (blog) - "But aside from the thorny legal and economic issues, there’s something terrifying about the prospect of someone else owning you. "
fandom:orphanblack, topic:slavery
Romeo and Juliet
Juliet Is a BAMF: A Masterpost: xixthesun (tumblr) - "[IMO Juliet is] actually a badass, who is active, dynamic, breaks the female stereotype molds of her time, and shows incredible bravery and strength in the face of adversity."
Arwen and inner textual history: mildred_of_midgard (DW) - "So he must mean that he can't tell whether she had been forgotten when the passage was written, or whether that should be read as a prediction"
fandom:jrrtolkien, topic:characterstudy
Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman: beccaelizabeth (DW) - "There was going to be a Wonder Woman movie. There's often going to be one, and yet here we still wait."
fandom:dccu, topic:movies