Meta Links 2013/10/03-10/09

Oct 09, 2013 22:53

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General Fandom

Darkfic Meta Series #1: defining and writing darkfic : hp_darkarts_mods (LJ) - "
We have spent the last couple of months interviewing a number of community members, and we have collected responses regarding defining, reading and writing darkfic. Due to the fact we, and those interviewed, had so much to say on the topic, this is the first part in a three part meta series"

fandom:harrypotter, topic:writing

Making The Commitment To Relatable Storytelling: Fangirl (blog) - "Since calling out Bones for taking too long on the “will they/won’t they” drama, the Castle creative team pulled the trigger last week in its Season 6 premiere. In a TVLine interview, the team discusses the proposal, the long distance relationship, why women should be given fiction examples that prove they don’t have to choose between a relationship and a career, and how all that can create good drama."


Meta on how I turn the author's words into a performance: anna_unfolding (DW) - "I created a bit of meta about what my thought process is as an artist when I am turning the author's words and character headspace into a performance."


Bogus Rules : lazypadawan (LJ) - "Just as I was thinking of saying nothing about the latest "viral" video, this time produced by an advertising agency obviously looking to use gullible fans to promote itself, someone at Slate comes up with a short but sweet rebuttal. I hardly ever agree with anything posted at Slate, especially on Star Wars, but for once I have to concur:"

fandom:starwars, fandom:breakingbad

Heterosexual Female Slash Fans: centrumlumina (tumblr) - " [A]mong the 10,005 respondents to the AO3 census survey, the proportion of M/M fans who consider themselves both heterosexual and female is between 25% and 36% (depending on how precisely the terms are defined). Respondents in that demographic were less likely than average to be fans of M/M."

topic:slash, topic:fandom

Untitled: bookshop (tumblr) - "The OTW is not really about “getting fanfic out there, getting fandom known in public spaces.” That’s not anywhere in our mission statement."


On tagging: chordatesrock (DW) - "The reason AO3 has tumblr-style tagging is because it has tumblr-style tag functionality."

topic:tagging, topic:ao3, topic:livejournal, topic:dreamwidth

Specific Fandoms

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D
but seriously where's my Heroes for Hire movie: liviapenn (DW) - " in spinoffs and adaptations, popular new characters (or more diverse versions of old characters) can get absorbed back into the comics universe. "

fandom:mcu, topic:diversity

Arrow Season 1: beccaelizabeth (DW) - "I just finished watching the first season of Arrow.
... I sure know how to pick favourite characters. *sigh*"

fandom:arrow, topic:relationships

The Bone Season
‘The Bone Season’ And The Intellectual Problem Of The Mary Sue: Alyssa Rosenberg - ThinkProgress (blog) - "And because Paige’s emotional spectrum-and her person-are so limited, it means our experience of Scion and Sheol I are, too."

fandom:boneseason, topic:characterdevelopment

Breaking Bad
I am the Danger: Thoughts about Breaking Bad (Spoiler-Free): quinn - ThoughtCrime (blog) - "It’s the morning after, and I’m still a touch raw, but I wanted to talk about some of what made Breaking Bad one of the best television shows I’ve ever watched. Because I’m me, I’ve thought a lot about how the principles of Breaking Bad relate to roleplaying games. "

fandom:breakingbad, topic:rpgs

Why Breaking Bad was *the* Show of Our Time : vkotrla - Nerds Of A Feather (blog) - "Through a happy convergence of both internal and external factors, Vince Gilligan's AMC drama became a mirror held up to society and to ourselves, and a vehicle for real-world change in the television industry."

fandom:breakingbad, topic:culture

Walter White Supremacy: Malcolm Harris - The New Inquiry (blog) - "The scene in Breaking Bad’s fourth season, when Pinkman - a failure at high school chem - shows up a room of Mexican scientists is full of supremacist glee. The Mexicans can wave their skill and experience around, but the science equipment knows objective quality, and there’s no competing with the only white guy in the room."

fandom:breakingbad, topic:race

‘Breaking Bad’ And What Happens When Shows Try To Talk Back To Their Fans: Alyssa Rosenberg - ThinkProgress (blog) - "The final run of Breaking Bad, by contrast, seems to suggest that there’s no wrong way to interpret the ending: there’s something there for people who think Walt’s a misogynist, who think Walt’s a hero, who think that Walt’s a failed man who really cares about his family, who think he was never fully appreciated by his ungrateful wife and son, who are really in it for the machine gun contraptions and train robberies."

fandom:breakingbad, topic:writing

Doctor Who
The Gentrification of Doctor Who: pearvert(blog) - "The restoration of a deteriorated TV show by people who used to be fans but are now running the show, often resulting in displacement of older ideals for something that is bright, shiny, and new."


Game of Thrones
Meta Monday: The Pox: justadram (tumblr) - "Not to be confused with redspots, which while also referred to as ‘pox’ is something like chickenpox, the pox is an STD and there are two likely culprits: gonorrhea or syphilis."

fandom:gameofthrones, topic:health, topic:medicine

Harry Potter
Is Minerva McGonagall an Introvert? Or, What Does Minerva McGonagall do on a rainy day?
: Shlomo (AO3) - "This chart labeled Minerva McGonagall an extrovert, and this essay is a meditation on that decision."

fandom:harrypotter, topic:characterstudy

Man From UNCLE
Weighing in on the casting of the new MFU movie: carabele (LJ) - "I've seen lots of back-and-forth on various sites regarding the casting of the new MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E. movie. So, instead of replying to a hundred comments that are here, there and everywhere, [chuckle], I thought I would just post my thoughts on all this in one place."


From the Sublime to the Riddick: A Tart Roundtable about the recent Vin Diesel movie: suzette chan (blog) - "Tarts talk about Richard B. Riddick's latest adventure."


Star Wars
More On Stories From A Certain Point of View: triciabarr -SUVUDU (blog) - "The reader observes his transformation to “crazy old Ben Kenobi” through the eyes of ordinary men and women. This perspective also creates moments of dramatic irony, where the reader understands deeper implications that are unknown to the characters."


The Slash Ship That Sails Right Into Canon: cupidsbow (DW) - "I’ve now watched up to Citizen Fang, and there have been some genuinely good eps, and also some delicious development of themes."

fandom:supernatural, topic:relationships

Top Gun
Top Gun Culture: Ben Adams - Overthinking It (blog) - "The analogy works because Top Gun has a particular role in the popular consciousness. Not only does it romanticize and lionize fighter pilots for the general public, but it in large part defines the Naval Aviation community for the vast majority of the audience."

fandom:topgun, topic:culture

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
"The Sarah Connor Chronicles" - Series One: ladybusiness (DW) - "despite what these marketing images might suggest, this is a program with a healthy respect for women and an interest in female characters."


A Hobbit/LOTR sanity check: darthstitch (tumblr) - "Fan fiction is fun and open for speculation, of course, but it’s always good to do the research and get the facts down, before we start speculating, doing the canon divergences, extrapolating and world-building. "


Wes Anderson
‘The Wes Anderson Collection’ And Anderson’s Answer To The Manic Pixie Dream Girl: Alyssa Rosenberg - ThinkProgress (blog) - "I think it would be very, very easy for many of Anderson’s female characters to be Manic Pixie Dream Girls if they were the creations of any other director. But one of the things I love so dearly about Anderson’s work is that much of it exists as a rebuke to the idea that women exist solely to change the lives of the men who adore them for the better, or even that women need to reciprocate the love of men who are obsessed with them at all."

fandom:wesanderson, topic:characterdevelopment

topic:race, topic:livejournal, topic:slash, topic:relationships, topic:rpgs, fandom:topgun, topic:diversity, topic:characterdevelopment, fandom:boneseason, fandom:starwars, topic:writing, fandom:ttscc, fandom:manfromuncle, topic:characterstudy, topic:culture, fandom:gameofthrones, topic:fandom, fandom:doctorwho, topic:dreamwidth, fandom:breakingbad, fandom:riddick, fandom:mcu, topic:tagging, topic:medicine, fandom:jrrtolkien, topic:health, topic:podfic, topic:ao3, fandom:arrow, fandom:supernatural, fandom:wesanderson, fandom:harrypotter

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