May 30, 2005 01:38
I went to a party at my friend Marianne's house where I got a little tipsy and had some fun (to be explained in following chat). My brother, his girl toy Vicki, his friend Andrew, their friend Timmy, some Jersey kids, etc. came. Mar's mom didn't expect all those people. I feel bad for her.
I told Anu everything, so bear with the bad chat format.
[01:04] OoLuXxAeTeRnAoO: hi anu
[01:04] OoLuXxAeTeRnAoO: you'll never forgive me for what i did toinght
[01:04] essence588: heyy sexy
[01:04] essence588: did u have sex!!?
[01:04] OoLuXxAeTeRnAoO: naw
[01:05] essence588: did you.. hang out with ANNE MARIE AND GIVE KISSES TO HER AND HER FRIENDS!?!??!
[01:06] OoLuXxAeTeRnAoO: FUCK DIANE
[01:07] essence588: HAHAHAAH
[01:10] OoLuXxAeTeRnAoO: it was fun though
[01:10] essence588: tell me what went downn
[01:10] OoLuXxAeTeRnAoO: and very educational
[01:10] OoLuXxAeTeRnAoO: i got a little tipsy
[01:10] OoLuXxAeTeRnAoO: and felt like kissing girls bc there were no hot guys
[01:11] essence588: DETAILSS BIOCH
[01:12] OoLuXxAeTeRnAoO: lol. so i go downstairs and mar is being all drunken
[01:12] essence588: downstairs?
[01:12] essence588: mars house?
[01:12] OoLuXxAeTeRnAoO: and she stumbles over to where carolyn, annemarie and i are talking
[01:12] OoLuXxAeTeRnAoO: ANYWAYZ
[01:12] essence588: keepp going
[01:13] essence588: TYPPPEEEE
[01:15] OoLuXxAeTeRnAoO: hold your horses
[01:15] OoLuXxAeTeRnAoO: anyways
[01:15] OoLuXxAeTeRnAoO: so mar's all rambling on and i was talking to carolyn b4 she had come over and kissing her for fun
[01:15] OoLuXxAeTeRnAoO: cause i was the "gay" kid and all the "straight" boys kiss each other
[01:16] OoLuXxAeTeRnAoO: so carolyn eggs me on and i do it
[01:16] essence588: kiss..c arolyn?
[01:16] OoLuXxAeTeRnAoO: NO
[01:16] OoLuXxAeTeRnAoO: marianne
[01:16] OoLuXxAeTeRnAoO: me and carolyn are too tight to do that
[01:18] essence588: did u kiss her.. or hook up with her?
[01:18] OoLuXxAeTeRnAoO: hook up, i guess
[01:18] OoLuXxAeTeRnAoO: it was for 2 seconds, basically
[01:18] OoLuXxAeTeRnAoO: she made weird sounds and she was a terrible kisser
[01:18] essence588: sounds?
[01:18] essence588: like moaning
[01:18] essence588: ?
[01:20] OoLuXxAeTeRnAoO: i can't duplicate them here... it was like humming
[01:20] essence588: how did she kiss
[01:20] OoLuXxAeTeRnAoO: she stuck her tongue in and out and in and out
[01:20] OoLuXxAeTeRnAoO: really bad
[01:21] essence588: eww eww eww
[01:21] essence588: thats not a kiss.. thats how u transfer diseases
[01:23] OoLuXxAeTeRnAoO: YES
[01:23] OoLuXxAeTeRnAoO: I GOT COOTIES
[01:23] essence588: if u wanna go around kissing girls.. kiss the ones who CAN KISS
[01:23] OoLuXxAeTeRnAoO: so then there's a ruckus about it and they're like "The faggot kid's kissing mar, blahblahblah"
[01:23] essence588: lmaoo
[01:23] essence588: ahahahhaaa
[01:24] OoLuXxAeTeRnAoO: i managed to evade a really ugly straight kid who likes to kiss boys but goes out with a weird straight girl who made him cut her on fri night
[01:24] OoLuXxAeTeRnAoO: (such are the friends of marianne)
[01:25] essence588: shes gotten in with a bad crowd lately
[01:25] OoLuXxAeTeRnAoO: i agree
[01:25] OoLuXxAeTeRnAoO: there are SO many questionable sexualities there
[01:28] OoLuXxAeTeRnAoO: anyway, i'll continue my story.
[01:30] OoLuXxAeTeRnAoO: the ruckus subsides and carolyn, annemarie talk to me about stuff. annemarie (rather drunk) and i start to talk about kissing and about how gay guys are better kissers. a little while later i'm talking to carolyn, then annemarie taps my shoulder and says "evan" and starts kissing me for a loooong time, like a few minutes
Annemarie was a really good kisser and really pretty, but I am sure now more than ever that I am gay. There was no attraction and no desire to do anything more than kiss.