Title: Kundalini
Pairing: Um, Anko/Snakes? Solo Anko? Referencing pre-series dubious consent lolicon OroAnko?
Words: ~400
Other: This is pretty weak, and I know it. :) No, I haven't forgotten about the requests I haven't gotten to, either.
Snakeskin was soft, so very soft, silken to the touch, silken when wrapped around strong thighs, a satin band that slid higher and higher…
The serpent nuzzled against Anko’s hip and flexed the heavy muscle of its body along her leg in a rhythmic motion that made her gasp. Its tongue flickered out to taste her scent even as it stared up at her, meeting her gaze until she shut her eyes against its dead-blank incuriosity.
Anko shifted slightly, flexing her knees, and she wet her own lips; a moment later the second snake's blunt muzzle rasped against her mouth in a parody of a kiss, its midsection tightening coils around her ribs, lifting and squeezing her breasts with slow, painful pressure.
Her own hand wasn't the same-- her fingers were slimmer and more tapered, more feminine-- and her own touches weren't right either, too rough and too eager, but she still had to bite her own lip against the name that wanted to form on her lips.
He'd never hurt her, never pushed too hard or fast; he hadn't had to.
He'd known exactly how to make her his without any force at all.
Anko shuddered and arched against the wall, her legs starting to tremble unsteadily from the pleasure and strain of her awkward position; it wasn't comfortable anymore, but it was alright that way-- it was alright with her wrist aching and her cunt aching from too much friction, from fingernails and coarse calluses, with her nipples throbbing under the snake's strangling clutch.
She choked on her own voice, bit her lip again and slammed her head back against the wall.
It was alright this way, because this way she didn't remember the way her sensei had smiled at her in the dark when they were alone.
If she rubbed hard enough, maybe the stains he'd left behind would finally come out.
Maybe someday she'd be able to come without snakeoil dripping down her shining, slick body, without venom singing sweet in her veins.
The snakes twined around each other, around her, and kissed her again and again with lipless mouths full of poison. They spoke in sibilant whispers of love and lust; they breathed their own lies into her just had he had before; they cried out in low husky rasps ceaseslessly, moaning her name, her name, her name, his name...
Her hips bucked up instinctively against the thick belly of the serpent wending its way up between her thighs, and everything else-- all thought and reason-- was washed away in white, wet heat.