(no subject)

Aug 27, 2000 09:49

JUst got up.On linux once again.peice of shit it is.IF I change caps to fast it makes the next letter after the upercase upercase so my text looks all funky and stuff.Damn do i still feel messed up after lastnight..MOm gave me a few pills of codine cause my neck was bothering me and that shit knocked me on my ass then ate up my stumach.NOthing much new since the last journal entry besides moving up in the IRC world.Blah..I wan to make a webpage but I wont but it on a webspacve provider that has those lame ass adds and i can't run it off of apache when on dial up cause that just be stupid.So bord..riped more mp3s last nite :p @ Karla hehehe.Karla if I hade adsl or cable I would of given you a 5gig shell on my box to put your mp3s on :p ..Need to get this lame ass GED and get a job so I can get muh self a T1..though a friend said sattalite was cheaper and can perform t1 or higher speeds..BUt a long time ago I heard that meateor showers messs up the performance of it.Blah.ANy way enough blabbing for this morning.
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