Meme thing (via Jess...damn you!)

Dec 04, 2010 14:46

Tagged by: blue_eyed_kitty

First: If you've been tagged, you must write your answers in your own LJ and replace any question that you dislike with a new question.
Second: Tag eight people. Don't refuse to do that.

Tagging: abbylover23, colin_chaotic, amichevole, heartzies, seer_seer, ianthe_echo, doom_cherries, shannonknits

Lots of pillows or just one?
⋆ One

What kind of books do you read?
⋆ Horror, supernatural (though not Supernatural), fantasy, trippy.

What are your neighbors like?
⋆ They’re...fine.  I’m not going to sip tea every Tuesday afternoon with them, but I don’t have homicidal tendencies towards them either.

Have you ever run your cheek bone into a door?
⋆ Oh come on.  Hasn’t everyone?

Tell 3 things you have in your point of view right now.
⋆ Flashlight
⋆ Hockey puck
⋆ Harry Potter et le prisonnier d'Azkaban

What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
⋆ I'm sure you all know by now, but in case you don’t, I have a pretty high interest in Supernatural, Sam Winchester, and Jared Padalecki.

Do you prefer your junk food sweet, salty or savory?
⋆ Um...sweet, I suppose.  Though I do have a, er, salty tooth.

What websites do you always visit when you go online?
⋆ IMDb Supernatural message board, LiveJournal, Twitter, and Tumblr.

What was the last thing you bought?
⋆ Gas.

What is your favorite power?
⋆ Teleportation would be badass.  Especially if it also entailed being able to teleport things to you as well.

What is the most awesome thing you have ever done?
⋆ Getting to the airport on time.  Trust me, it’s a very rare occurrence.

What was the last meal you ate?
⋆ Spaghettios.  Healthy, yo.

Do you want to learn another language?
⋆ I am more or less conversationally fluent in French, and know a couple phrases in Spanish from the mandatory semester we had to take in middle school, but I would love to learn another one.  Afrikaans and Portuguese I think would be interesting.

Five things you want right now:
⋆ Adequate supply of money for tuition
⋆ To meet a professional hockey player
⋆ As an extension of that, get my hockey puck signed
⋆ To have my abroad application personal statement not be utter shit
⋆ One measly Supernatural episode that doesn’t garner wank.  Yeahhh...unlikely.

Find the closest book currently sitting near you and flip to page 36. What is the first sentence of the second paragraph?
⋆ Stan redescendit, suivi d’une sorcière au teint légèrement verdâtre, emmitouflée dans une cape de voyage (Harry Potter et le prisonnier d'Azkaban).
*  English book equivalent: Stan came back downstairs, followed by a faintly green witch wrapped in a traveling cloak (Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban).

What's something that someone said to you today that was amusing?
⋆ My brother: Oh yeah, my teacher told me that she wants you to tutor someone.  Me: When was this?  My brother: Monday, I think.  Me: *facepalm*

What are you looking forward to?
⋆ The day my abroad application is done.

What is your favorite baseball team?  What is your favorite hockey team?

What is your favorite electronic accessory?
⋆ My laptop.


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