Title: Mind Over Matter Fandom(s): Supernatural Rating: G Word Count: 100 Summary: E/O challenge word: Cramp. Dean gets a cramp only once, and never again.
What is this challenge? I tried Googling and your journal's on the first page of hits, and everything above it looks like fics resulting from challenge, not challenge itself.
Comments 5
What is this challenge? I tried Googling and your journal's on the first page of hits, and everything above it looks like fics resulting from challenge, not challenge itself.
It took me forever to figure out what the stupid challenge was, too, and then I discovered it was this community on FF.net. Here's the link to it: http://www.fanfiction.net/myforums/Onyx_Moonbeam/1360578/
I don't know any specifics or whatever, just found a list of old prompts, and ran with it. Hope that helped?
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