(no subject)

Jul 19, 2007 23:09

Title:Marauder Bylaw Number Three
Raiting: PG-13 for a bit of strong language
Genre:Humor, angst
Prompts: Pride and "Oh, come on. You heard them, Just behind the veil, didn't you? They were just lurking out of sight that's all. You heard them."
Summary: Sirius doesn't let his own death stand in the way of telling Remus exactly what he should do about Tonks...HBP era
Author's note: Wow, I'm glad I made it! (Barely). This idea turned out different than I had orriginally planed. You see, I wanted to try HBP humor for once, and was surprised that the last bit turned out a bit angsty and I'm still not quite sure if it works but...it's the best I've got so tell me what you think.

Marauder Bylaw Number Three

“What the hell are you doing?”

Remus Lupin found himself standing in a pitch black room filled with an ominous looking white mist. The voice which had spoken to him, seemingly from mid air, was soft and yet familiar.

“What?” He asked looking about the room, hoping for a reply.

As if in answer, a tattered black veil appeared before him. From behind this veil a young man with dark hair and grey eyes emerged.


“I said, what the hell are you doing? Simple question, mate.”

Remus stared blankly at the form of his friend who appeared as young as he had been fifteen years previous, before his time in Azkaban.

“You’re dead.” Lupin informed him. Young Sirius gave a hearty eye roll.

“Really? I hadn’t noticed. And you’re stalling. Answer the question.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

Remus’ head felt rather light, as though he were suffering from a lack of oxygen. He stared down at his hands in order to avoid Sirius’ eye only to find his hands and arms were devoid of age, wrinkles and scars. He reached upward to his hair only to find that strands he held between his fingers were light brown with only the smallest hint of the grey to come.

“No idea? No idea you sodding wanker?!”

Sirius was suddenly standing directly in front of him as light began to permeate the room, which Remus now knew to be the Death Chamber in the department of Mysteries. Remus stepped backward only to find the limp he had recently developed in his left leg had disappeared completely.

“I’m talking about you treating my little cousin like absolute shite,” Sirius informed him in an overprotective tone which sounded so familiar to Remus that he could not help but smile.

“So nice to know that even in death your charm lives on.”

“Enough of your bloody sarcasm, explain yourself Moony.”

Remus lifted his eyes to Sirius mutinous face fully expecting his wand to be drawn.

“Sirius,” he began plaintively “It’s really…”

“If you say none of my business, I will hex you back to the dark ages.”

“Is that…possible?”

The slight ringing permeating his brain lifted enough to allow him to realize that this entire scenario could not have been real.

“Trust me, you’d be amazed at what I can do now that I’m not alive to do it.”

Remus was not entirely sure what Sirius meant by that; though the hardened look on his old friend’s face needed no clarification.

Remus heaved a sigh. Explaining his reasoning to Tonks had been a thoroughly draining experience. Explaining things to Molly had been, if anything worse. Now, having to repeat the experience with his recently deceased, and obviously irate, friend was not something he was altogether looking forward to.

Sirius folded his arms in front of his chest, tapped one finger against his elbow, glared at Remus with a mixture of impatience and contempt.

“Sirius, believe me, I never intended to hurt Tonks-“

“Oh, so you accidentally abandoned her then…”

“I did not-“

“You left didn’t you?”

“Look, do you want me to explain this or not?”

Sirius opened his mouth, ready for another retort; but then with what looked like great effort he leaned back against a wall of the room and flicked his hand, signaling Remus to continue.

“Thank you,” Remus said with the slightest hint of a smirk. He always had appreciated the little victories.

“First of all, I am not treating your little cousin ‘like shite’ as you so eloquently put it. In fact given the circumstances, I pride myself on being mature and civil in reference to her.”

“Civil my arse-“

Lupin threw Sirius a look which told him not to interrupt. Sirius heaved another impatient sigh, but flicked his hand as if to say go on.

“I took the assignment Dumbledore gave me, because there was no one else in my position able to do it. No matter what you say it was not abandonment.”

“And was taking her heart and stamping all over it before you left part of the assignment as well?” Sirius spat. Clearly his patience for Remus’ explanations had run out.

“Stamped all over-“

“Telling her you’re too old for her?”

“It’s true.”

Sirius looked Remus up and down with a raised eyebrow. Remus realized that the phrase “too old” must have sounded a bit ridiculous coming from the mouth of a twenty two year old, in reference to a twenty four year old woman.

“You told her ‘you could never look at her that way’. Which is possibly the biggest lie ever to come out of your mouth.”

“How would you know-?”

Sirius snorted in that strangely elegant way he had and threw his hands up in frustration.

“Remus, I watched you for a year. Everyone in the Order saw how you bloody well ‘looked’ at her. Most of them thought that you two were shagging like rabbits behind everyone’s back.”

Remus blanched, taken aback at this news. Had he truly been that transparent?

“I was the only one who knew you didn’t have the spine to go through with it.”

“That is completely unfair.”

“No that’s the truth Moony.”

Remus could not deny that there was some truth to that. Denying his attraction to her had been an out right lie. He had always valued honesty above all else, and his diversion from the truth had been an act of cowardice on his part.

“She kissed you,” Sirius’ voice was softer as it cut through Remus’ thoughts. “She kissed you, and begged you not to go. And you just left her there.”
“I’m not proud of it.”

“So, what are you going to do now?”

Remus heaved another sigh. How could he expect Sirius to understand?

“Don’t tell me you’re just going to sit there and let her get away.”

When Remus did not answer Sirius let out a vehement exclamation.

“Moony, I’m telling you now you are risking your pride, your title as a goddamn Maurader if you don’t go after her!”

“How am I risking my title as a Maurader?”

As if waiting to be asked this Sirius gave, what sounded like a fully memorized response.

“Bylaw number three in the Marauder’s code clearly states: If a bird fancied by one Marauder, throws herself at said Marauder and said Marauder does not immediately respond in kind he recognizes that in doing so, he has forgone the title Marauder and all rights and privileges included there in.”

A ringing silence met this pronouncement, and it was several moments before Remus spoke.

“Sirius, there are no Marauder bylaws.”

Sirius looked taken aback for a moment before recovering.

“Well, there should be. And if there were, that would be number three.”

“What would numbers one and two be then?” Remus could not help asking.

“Don’t change the subject. The point is, are you willing to risk your reputation, your pride and your title just because you think your too old?”

Sirius smirked as though this suggestion was laughable.

“I would risk anything to keep her safe. Sirius, you know how dangerous a life tied to a Werewolf would be.”

“Moony, you’re in a bloody war!”

It was a surreal experience. For a moment, looking at Sirius’ young handsome, haughty face and build Remus quite forgot which war he was talking about.

“Don’t you think her life’s already a bit dangerous?”

“Precisely why I do not want to add more danger to the mix. Tonks has enough on her mind at the moment without having to worry about a caring for a crippled old man.”

“Jesus. If that’s really how you think of yourself maybe I should strip you of your Marauder title here and now.”

Remus found he had nothing to say to this. The white mist slowly began to return to the room.

“She loves you, Remus.”

Sirius said in a quiet, oddly ethereal voice.

“She loves you. Now what are you going to do about it?”

The room was disappearing. Remus found himself standing at the edge of the archway from which the veil hung. Suddenly a gust of wind flew up pushing him backward, off the archway, into the veil…

“Remus? Remus?”

A woman’s voice was calling to him. His head lay on a soft pillow, his body felt sore and tired. Slowly, hesitantly, he opened his eyes.

A young woman with a pale heart shaped face and brown mousy hair sat beside him.


“Morning.” She answered attempting a smile which came out as more of a grimace.

“What’re you…?”

“Molly told me to come in and see how you were doing. Is your left leg feeling better?”

He was at Grimauld place, headquarters. He had aparated there after a particularly trying full moon. Molly had taken care of his injuries for him. Apparently she was still busy playing matchmaker.

“It’s better now, thank you.” Remus answered.

“Good.” She gave him a genuine smile this time. She looked so beautiful when she smiled that he had to force himself to turn away from her.

“I-I’m glad you came here. It could’ve been worse if you hadn’t.”
Her voice carried a hurt tone which he knew he had caused. He did not answer her. Several more seconds passed in silence.

“Molly’ll be up with breakfast soon.”

Several more moments passed in silence. Eventually he heard her rise from her place on the bed. He winced when he heard a very slight sniff rise from her throat as she reached the door.

“I have to go to work. Goodbye Remus.”

He bit his lip to keep from answering her. When she closed the door he let out a long breath.

Perhaps Sirius was right. Perhaps he was a coward. But still, Remus knew that if he was to keep her safe, whole, there was only one thing he could do. Nothing.

last chance full moon showdown, angst, freakinwinky, humour

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