How To Close A Love Letter: Part II

Jul 17, 2007 23:19

Title: How To Close A Love Letter
Author: scarlett71177
Rating & Warnings: PG
Prompts: Goblet & ‘I am good-looking enough for the both of us, I theenk’ (they’re in there- somewhere)
Word Count: Part II: 1732 (8,934 Total in 3 parts)
Summary: A correspondence brings Remus and Tonks closer. (Set after Chapter 29 of HBP.)
Author’s Notes: This is the second R/T ( Read more... )

romance, last chance full moon showdown, drama, scarlett71177

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Comments 4

mrstater July 24 2007, 17:01:20 UTC
I think think this epistolary fic is a fantastic idea. It allows you to do so much you can't with dialogue, and I just love the idea of Remus and Tonks pouring out their souls to each other in this way.

You brought the depth, clarity, and focus I so needed in my life. You brought your own colour and deepened my world. You call yourself grey. But grey is a colour. Ice, Silver, Chrome, Heather, Charcoal. They’re all beautiful and were absent from my life. If I brought bright colours to your life, then please understand that you added a solid consistency to my own.

I absolutely adore that idea. Tonks is always depicted as the color of the relationship, but she would so see his groundedness and consistency in his more earthy coloring. That's just brilliant.

On to the third one. :)


scarlett71177 July 26 2007, 00:39:33 UTC
Thank you so much!

I began this piece on a chilly day in October in 2005. I was so content with the Remus portion of the letter and I couldn't get the Tonks portion to match it so I put it away.

I absolutely adore that idea. Tonks is always depicted as the color of the relationship, but she would so see his groundedness and consistency in his more earthy coloring. That's just brilliant.

Since Remus' depth and pensiveness is such a big part of him I do think Tonks would have to be comfortable and understanding with that aspect of him.

I'm glad you liked it!


jessickuh September 16 2007, 02:03:14 UTC
LOL...I love the first paragraph of her letter (although the first sentence worried me for a second) That ough to knock some sense into Remus once and for all.


scarlett71177 September 16 2007, 03:10:32 UTC
Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked it.


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