Part Three: First

Jun 17, 2007 18:35

Title: First
Author: gijane7702
Rating & Warnings: R/sexual banter; cursing; mention of sex
Prompts: "You fail to recognize that it matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be."
Word Count: 2306
Summary: Remus and Tonks’ first...
Author’s Notes: #3 in my series. This stared off as smut, but Remus and Tonks didn’t want to play…they ( Read more... )

romance, gijane7702, last chance full moon showdown, humour

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Comments 19

mela81 June 18 2007, 01:12:04 UTC
Hm, I wonder if I've said before how I like your endings to these? Gee, I'm so not sure.
Heh, Tonks is naughty, Remus is sexy, and that's probably coherent enough for an actual comment.
I just want to see Tonks taking the mickey out of Sirius, now.


gijane7702 June 18 2007, 01:18:07 UTC
You want an outtake? Okay...'cause I'm avoiding writing the Tonks and Sprout talk! =) You want Sirius recounting it? 'Cause I was thinking of writing it from his POV, set in '81.

As for the fic, I try with the endings. I do.

Naughty!Tonks and Sexy!REmus are fun to write.

Stay tuned =)


devonwood June 18 2007, 02:01:59 UTC
When you first said to look for a nod to me, I was expecting some horrible reference to something dumb I'd said in a journal comment or something (like the time I said that talking about Remus with a beard made me think of David Thewlis with a Dumbledore beard. =D) How relieved was I that it was my name! I was preparing myself for something to come back and bite me in the ass. :P Are Tonkinese cats those cats with the squashed faces? I think I've seen those before. Adorable. =D

Lovely job on this little series! I really like the trust issues they worked through, here. And the double entendres were the best. Those are always my favorite. Especially the "Finish your Screaming Orgasm." "I haven't even started yet".

Great job, and I loved it! Are you doing any more fics for the Jumble? :D


gijane7702 June 18 2007, 14:31:36 UTC

I thought about doing something naughty...but it was just your name =)

There's a linky on Tonkinese cats in my notes. They are a cross beween Siamese and another bread...clicyclicky!!

You SHOULD NOT be getting those double entendres!!! When I was your age...oh, wait. Nevermind. Let's not go there ;)

There are about 10 parts total.


kileaiya June 18 2007, 02:25:37 UTC
Oooh, Tonks is naughty! I love the banter and have I ever told you how much I love your Remus? Great Job!


gijane7702 June 18 2007, 14:32:36 UTC
Thanks =)

I love Naughty!Tonks...she's so much fun!

I love my Remus dishy!

Stay tuned...Part 4 should be up tomorrow.


lady_bracknell June 26 2007, 15:40:53 UTC
I like the easy conversation you've given them here, how, just because they're on a date, they haven't allowed awkwardness to come between them. And Tonks' cat is cute!


gijane7702 June 26 2007, 16:07:58 UTC
Chameleon make a come-back in Part Six...if I ever decide to continue on with this series.

I think that, above all, they'll remain friends. I base their relationship on my own. Hubbs and I were friends first, then lovers =)


shimotsuki June 28 2007, 03:02:44 UTC
Oo, fun, naughty jokes and steamy tension. But it seems right that these two might have a little hesitation, too, especially since they each think the other is really special. And maybe I'm a fuddy-duddy, but I think there's something really sweet about a couple actually sleeping together before, well, expanding on that. ;)


gijane7702 June 28 2007, 03:29:18 UTC
Thanks =)

Glad you're enjoying so far!

I've based my R&T's relationship on the one I have with my own husband. We were friends, and still remains friends most of all, before anything else.

Oi...I'm rather sappy tonight ;)


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